I am getting my parents info together to apply for the medicaid spend down program. It seems I need birth certificates which is the problem. My dad along with his 3 other siblings were all home births and for whatever reason there is no record, we have contacted the main office in New Orleans but nothing. The only thing I have is a baptism certificate, an army entry and discharge papers. Does anyone know if this will work or what else I can provide?
LA is CLOSED RECORDS state, so your folks will need to do this in person OR you take your birth certificate to show your their kid & getting it for them. If you just sent in a request in without including their ID or your legal documentation to them, then nothing can go forward due to its "closed records".
If your not in NOLA, google Office of Vital Statistics State of LA for the mailing address & form to request a certificate & items needed to submit to establish that you can get records for them. It's not simple.......
Also Orleans Parish Notarial Records & custodian dept was in basement of civil courts bldg on Loyola & got flooded with Katrina. Tons of documents destroyed from 1700's to late 1990's. State developed substitute forms for Orleans parish, but takes a couple of weeks more to do Research to sign off on substitute certificate allowed. I had to get one done for a HDLC hearing postKatrina & took like 10-12 weeks to get paperwork through as it had to be crossed with Tulane & Presbytere archives, those were fun days. Should not take as long now to get substitute records or certificates. Good luck.
Medicaid will contact you if they need more documentation.