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You know that you’re in trouble when your depression turns into apathy. I got to where I didn’t feel much at all. I was simply running on autopilot.

It’s odd to find yourself completely numb to the outside world.

Sometimes caregivers become so isolated that they don’t appreciate that there is a huge world out there that they don’t even see.
Helpful Answer (11)
Reply to NeedHelpWithMom
faithfulbeauty Feb 23, 2024
It is has definitely turned to apathy.
I have. I will not bore people here with details again, but in my case it has totally sucked the life and joy out of me, so no, you are not alone.
Helpful Answer (13)
Reply to Karsten
NeedHelpWithMom Feb 22, 2024
Hey, Karsten.

How are you doing these days? What is the latest news regarding your mom?
FB, is your depression being treated?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to BarbBrooklyn
faithfulbeauty Feb 22, 2024
I'm seeing a therapist but at my doctor's appointment, I'm going to talk to her about other options because this is tough and I'm tired of feeling this way because of someone else.
Report’re definitely not alone. I understand what you’re feeling.
I’m so tired all the time that I don’t have the desire or the energy for the things I used to enjoy. Im going to look into getting some help.
Maybe it’s possible for you to do the same.
I truly wish you the best. Please take care of yourself.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to Sleepless71
faithfulbeauty Feb 22, 2024
Yes.. I'm tired all of the time too but I think it is depression making me tired. It is like all of my joy is gone.
Lost interest because there's really not enough time to be excite or enjoy things anymore. I recently began reading novels again, there had been 2.5 year hiatus from even than.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Tynagh

“ I isolated myself , did not keep in touch with people . Did not feel like going anywhere . I had nothing to add to conversation” (@Way). I feel the same way, plus I just about jump out of my skin when I get a text or call. I’m snappish because I’m so on edge. I feel like even if the burden were lifted tomorrow it would a long road back, or maybe I will never go back to the person I was before.
I also kind of resent the people who said call me anytime and then fell off the face of the earth. I really couldn’t use the help they were offering because they can’t do hands on with mom’s toileting issues. But just a text once in a while saying they’re thinking of me would be nice.
Helpful Answer (12)
Reply to LilyLavalle
faithfulbeauty Feb 22, 2024
Caregiving makes you feel alone because the only people who truly understand are the people who have been there. In my experience, there are people who think I should quit my job, sell my home, get rid of my pets and become my dad's fulltime caregiver. The toileting issues are tough, especially when you are trying to help someone and they refuse to wear pull ups etc that will help with the issue.
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Yes, After a while . I isolated myself , did not keep in touch with people . Did not feel like going anywhere . I had nothing to add to conversation . Did not want to bore people with talking about caregiving .
Helpful Answer (15)
Reply to waytomisery
Hothouseflower Feb 21, 2024
I hear you, that is what is happening to me. Between my parents' situation and now my son-in-law walking out on his family and having to be more present because my daughter needs more help, I don't have a damn good thing to say about anything anymore. I don't want to be social at all.
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I agree, I have changed. I feel trapped, although my two are in facilities, it keeps both me and my brother from moving somewhere else, or just becoming Florida Snowbirds.

The stress alone has changed me and I am no spring chicken either, age 76. My nasty mother is in her 99th year, no dementia, just not a nice person. Stepmother in MC, age 86 and can live for many years yet.

Never dreamed that this would be my "Golden Years"!
Helpful Answer (17)
Reply to MeDolly
NeedHelpWithMom Feb 20, 2024
You seem to have longevity in your family like I have in mine. I wanted to slap people who said that they hoped my mom would live to be 100!

When people made the comment to my mom that she would live to be 100, she would say, “I certainly hope that I don’t!” She was ready to die long before she did at age 95. Parkinson’s disease is brutal in the latter stages. Mom’s brother also had Parkinson’s disease and he lived until he was 96.

My great aunts all lived into their late 90’s, surprisingly in good health.

As well as my cousin who recently died at age 101! Her body finally gave out. No walker, no wheelchair, she was a tiny little spitfire! The woman drove and went to her high school reunion up until she was 100 years old! She was invited to attend class reunions as the oldest former student.

I don’t think that I want to live as long as many of the women in my family.
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Our brains and Bodies are Under tremendous stress - The Cortisol levels are High that can Give us a Belly . I Know I started getting Panic attacks . I am sure I almost Had several Nervous breakdowns . Making decisions alone , Not Understanding certain behaviors . I was dealing with 3 people Plus a tenant . Now I am alone My Dad is in California and I am dealing with Our House and another condo owner and Paying a Lot of Bills and budgeting But I see a Light at the end of a tunnel and many Spring Projects coming Up . You Can learn to meditate - it is really helpful for the Brain . On Mondays Quiksilver Thomas Victor Carrol does a meditation at 2 Pm eastern time on Instagram and Its Free - Great Teacher and Famous surfer . You will heal from this .
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to KNance72
Anxietynacy Feb 20, 2024
Thanks I'm definitely going to start meditating. That is one of the things I don't do. Thanks for the reminder!!
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I love travel, always loved the adventure. I was supposed to go to Ireland this week. I decided not to go because I just did not feel up to going because I am not in a good frame of mind. I’m just not happy these days and don’t feel like doing anything. I lost $700 but I just couldn’t do it.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to Hothouseflower
LilyLavalle Feb 21, 2024
I feel really badly that you skipped your trip. When I’m not at work or moms I usually just stay home. But the few times my family dragged me out , even to a restaurant, it helped..just the charge of scenery. Please do something nice for yourself 💕
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I am still interested in my usual things, but constant worry and anxiety take the enjoyment away. My new PCP gave me an anxiety assessment, and I scored pretty high. I just tried the med last night, Buspar. I slept well, but not sure the med is workable for when I need to actually function. And I only took half of a 10mg tab!
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Oedgar23
faithfulbeauty Feb 21, 2024
I was also once on anxiety medicine and it made me sleep all the time and like you said, I need to actually function. I was also taking only 5mg!
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While I did no hands on caregiving, I did take over all financial responsibilites, bill paying, etc. I was ill prepared to do such a thing and it was a steep learning curve. I felt very anxious, determined to do it well, while dealing also with the new diagnosis for my brother, who had all my life been my senior, my helpmate, my rock. It was a complete turn around for me to attempt to be his.
This made my anxiety just hit the top. Think of one of those circus games, where you are given a big mallet and you try to pound the little stomper so that the arrow climbs up and rings the bell. That bell was chiming for me all the time. My nervous energy was completely to the fore. I don't know, even four years after his death, whether it has ever returned to normal. I do know I am much more, now, aware of how easily I can become anxious.

As to whether this has caused me to take less delight in the things that delight me? No, not really, and perhaps the opposite is the case. I now look on the relief of reading, of gardening, or walking on the beach looking at rocks, of a good podcast or movie, a great take and bake pizza as real "godsends" (if you will for this non-believer). I treasure those things that can bring me relief from anxiety. I recognize more the beauty in life, the fragility, and am more than ever intent on not wasting, not recognizing my good luck in being alive NOW, in this my country.

Just my personal perspective, Faithful. I hope you will seek out joy. Make yourself journal perhaps? Decorate it with collage. Bring in what is good. Savor it. My crow tarot card today talked of "perspective". Of how to look at something. I have been looking at a bit of a spot of bother, myself, and have been doing the "oh woe is me" thing. But looked at another way, it is a spot of bother I hopefully found before it became a puddle, a pond, a deluge. And I have skilled and kind people on my side.
Try looking at all this as a learning experience. I think myself, having watched your journey, you have come a way! Right? Give yourself a pat on the back.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to AlvaDeer
faithfulbeauty Feb 20, 2024
@ Alvadeer,
I do journal a lot and I love gardening. When the weather is warmer, being able to work in the yard will help and I refuse to let anything interfere with that. I’m also handling all the bills which is even more stress trying to keep up with due dates for his and mine. You are right.. I’ve come a long way. It is largely due to this forum!!
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I think everyone here has felt exactly like you do. I know I certainly did.

My life was a living hell when I was living with my mother and being her caregiver. In fact, I was at a point where I had given up on myself and became a totally different person. Even less than a shell of the person I was. Now mind you I did caregiving as work for 25 years and it was well enough, but being back home and dealing with my mother who truly needed help and it wasn't her hypochondria and other mental illnesses, all but destroyed me.

I had isolated myself from my friends and family. Her negativity, instigating, gaslighting, verbal abuse, manipulation, berating and belitting on a daily basis stripped me bare of all the things that made me myself and I gave up.

I was able to drag myself out of that hole with the help of my ex-husband, my son, and a lot of hard work on my part. Everyone needs help though.
Helpful Answer (13)
Reply to BurntCaregiver
faithfulbeauty Feb 20, 2024
Its awful! Between the trauma from my childhood and now having to be there for him when he wasn’t there for me is almost unbearable. The latest thing is that he won’t always wear a pull-up because he doesn’t want to and it causes me to have to change the linens on his bed several times per week at times and dealing with soiled clothes. If it were not for this forum and a few good friends and a family member, I couldn’t make it
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It’s called, ‘depression’ which can drain everything from us as caregivers. I was seriously depressed when I was a full time caregiver.

We can’t do this job alone. We need help, either from an agency or a facility.
Helpful Answer (12)
Reply to NeedHelpWithMom
faithfulbeauty Feb 20, 2024
There is one lady who helps out but she also has another job. I’m searching for other help. I looked at myself in the mirror and I don’t even look the same. My eating habits are terrible because I often “stress eat” which has caused weight gain. Most agencies are very expensive but something is going to have to be done.
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I apologize if this is similar to a question I’ve already asked but sometimes I just to converse with those who understand.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to faithfulbeauty

Yes, definitely!

I went to a GFS house one day, she showed me something she made. I was so jealous, that other people can find time to do things for themselves and I can't. So I made a promise to myself to make that time.

Sometimes I stop for a while go backwards, kick myself and start again finding time for myself

Much of the time I don't even want to , until I push myself for a while. Then when I do I'm always glad I did. I think of it as part of my mental health. Last winter I taught myself how to knitt. Well I got one scarf done. But all it took was inexpensive knitting needles and yarn and YouTube.

So absolutely find something you enjoy, that is just for you, even a long bubble bath, even if you have no interest, do it anyways and see if the Interest comes back.
Good luck.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to Anxietynacy
faithfulbeauty Feb 20, 2024
@ Anxietynacy ,
I will definitely have to make myself start doing things I use to enjoy before I lose my mind. I have several books to read but lately, I can’t focus.
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