My Dad is 80 years old and is getting frail and dangerously thin. My Mom who is 76 is not really interested in cooking. They don't like Meals on Wheels. Does anyone have any suggestions of fattening, healthy snacks/meals I can load up his refrigerator with? The conundrum is, my Mother is getting too thick around her mid-area, which I understand is dangerous for heart-health. Any feedback would be appreciated!
and freeze also. One more thing is protein shakes you can use, the best I found are the HMR 800 ones bought online. Hope this helps!
Dove and Magnum ice-cream bars are high-calorie. I get them for hubby, and buy 100-calorie treats for me. Like Mommag, I add butter or olive oil or sauces to everything I can reasonably get by with. (Hubby followed a heart-healthy diet for 30+ years. This is a huge switch for us.) Cheese spreads and dips add calories to raw veggies or chips.
Hubby likes V-8 juice. That is not exactly "fattening" but it has more caloires than tea or water. Hubby does not like Boost or Ensure, but they are fine basis for a milk shake with ice cream and some fruit or peanut butter.
I cook healthy food for his dinner every night. Toss salad, either fish, chicken and occasionally beef. He loves Shepards Pie because it's soft and kind of a comfort food. Oh, almost forgot, he always has one drink of vodka and tonic. Here's a safety tip. Because I don't want him using the stove, bought an electric kettle that automatically shuts off. I buy dried packages of soup, chicken and beef flavor. All he has to do is put the contents in a big soup cup and use the kettle for the hot water. One thing to watch is the sodium in some of those products. He also likes the small containers of pudding,, jello and fruit cocktail. I hope this helps.