
I am in need of a group of spouses trying to cope with a severe RLS partner. I can't find a support group for this and I need help. Does anyone know of a forum for this? Is there a discussion started here?

Please forgive me if my questions are ignorant but I am having trouble understanding what you are asking.
My husband has had RLS for years, likely heart medication induced. He tried several meds to stop the symptoms for MY benefit because he was, incredibly, able to sleep right through them.
They all had side effects that were worse than the RLS. We gave up on meds and moved into separate bedrooms.
This was several years ago. I assume there are new medications available and apparently your husband is under a doctor’s care so he can access them if indicated.

Is your husband able to sleep in spite of the RLS?
Are you looking for support for your own sleep deprivation even though you are now on different floors?
Are you concerned about your husband’s behavior while either taking or withdrawing from RLS drugs and looking for an Nar-Anon type of group?
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Reply to Peasuep

Thank you for the responses. I don't need help for him. I need help for me. It's much worse than you can imagine. The medications Drs have put him on has intensified his symptoms. It has affected his mind as well as his body. We already moved onto separate floors of the house. He has been through many many meds. Some they gave him were way more than recommended doses for 30 years and they pulled him off cold turkey. His withdrawal was horrendous. He also had heart disease and prostate cancer. I need a support group for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Reply to Serious
lealonnie1 Sep 25, 2024
Yes OP, that is understood.

My husband was given meds for his RLS and he disliked how they made him feel In general, so he stopped taking them.

Agingcare is a support group for caregivers of all kinds. If you feel you need an in person support group, Google "elder care support groups in _______your city".

Have you thought about getting him into respite care so you can have a vacation? Or placed in Assisted Living? Oftentimes, AL knows of support groups that meet in person. When caregi ing becomes too much, it's often necessary to place the sick spouse. There's no crime or shame in doing that.

Best wishes.
Some medications can cause this. Some medications can help this. Therefore I would discuss with the doctor. Benadryl cause this for me.

Can you tell us what specifically is a problem with RLS that you feel is unique to hubby in that he might benefit from a special Forum devoted to it? I can't think you would find one.

As to former discussions go to the aqua timeline above, more to the right and press on the magnifying "search" glass. Type in Restless Leg Syndrome and see what others may have had to say.

Best of luck to you.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

Restless Leg Syndrome? My husband has it and moved into the spare bedroom. So it's all resolved. You can Ask your question in the Discussions category here if you'd like, but wait to see if you get responses first. I know of no support groups specifically for this, but you may want to Google it. Or at least get separate beds in the same bedroom so you're not awoken by kicking legs all night.
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Reply to lealonnie1

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