
We are looking for someone to come in 1 day each week to help with housework, laundry, garbage & misc tasks that this elderly couple can no longer do for themselves for a reasonable price

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Find out what cleaning services charge per hour. Where I live it is about $60 per hour. So instead I pay a girl $40 for two hours a week. She does more in two hours than I can do all day.
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timandsherry, are you looking for a housekeeper, or a caregiver that does light housework while tending to your parents?

If a housekeeper, ask your neighbors or co-workers if they know of anyone who can come in.   I really think you would need much more than an hour.   It usually takes several hours just to do laundry such as separate loads for sheets, load for towels, and white clothing and dark clothing.

Or call a cleaning service and compare prices. One hour a team can come in and do all the work, except for all the laundry.

If you want a caregiver who does light housekeeping, then call the licensed caregiving Agencies.   I had an Agency for my Dad, and he was so happy with them... but be aware of sticker shock, they can be expensive, but well worth it.
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You can contact local agencies like Visiting Angels. They can provide staff that have gone through background checks. I am sure you can find agencies that have staff for hire other than Visiting Angels.
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