
Instead of lying down or staying relatively immobile all day and then sleep for 12 hours. She won't try to move at all or attempt to engage her mind in anything that requires thinking despite her physician stating these activities would help her greatly.

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I'd like the same information that ff asked, because those factors do make a difference.

What were your mother's activity levels before the dementia? What kinds of things did she do during the day?

Is she depressed? Is she being treated for it? Have you discussed her excessive daytime sleepiness with her doctor?

The doctor is right that physical activity is important in the management of dementia symptoms. Social interaction is also important. It is worth some effort to figure out ways to improve these for our loved ones.

Give us more information, to make our answers more appropriate to your situation.
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Can you make any of these activities fun? Going for a walk if you're in a warm weather climate, going to the library to get books, going to a church or library for a concert?

What did she enjoy doing before she developed dementia?
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Phenom, how old is your Mother, and what stage of dementia does she have? Are there any other medical issues, such as bad hip or knees?
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