
I provide 24 hr services for my older friend "84" years old I would like info on becoming her in home support provider. and get paid for it .

thank you,


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jerwood, the vast majority of family/friend caregivers do not get paid.... unless the person you are caring for can pay you a salary. If you friend is able to budget for that, you would need to draw up an "employment agreement" that states what are your duties, how many hours per week, what days you would have off, and if the friend will do the payroll taxes [there are payroll companies that do this for a fee] or if you will deal with taxes.

As mentioned earlier, you can check with your State Medicaid office to see what is available. Each State has their own rules/regulations. But don't be surprised if the State pays you for less than 40 hours a week at minimum wage. Would you be able to live on that amount? Medicaid is funded by us taxpayers including yourself.
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This depends on the State your in. Medicaid varies from state to state but I would start there. Some States will pay a family member to care for someone, others will only allow trained Aides. In the State of PA, they have a program where agencies hire and train a family member or friend to care for someone.

Call your County Social Services and ask for a Medicaid caseworker. Try your County Office on Aging.
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