
I work 10n to 12 hours a day and need to be home more to take care of them brother had a stroke and mom is 87 aging rapidly. I live in Cleveland, Ohio and need help with finances. I would like to be home more.

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You've gotten good advice from littletonway and Maggie. Here's a slightly different slant.

What income do your brother and mother receive? Social Security? Disability? Other pensions? That money should be used for their care. If they are not currently paying you, set up a plan for them to do so. I seriously doubt that they could afford to pay the going rate for your services, but to the extent that they are able they should be paying you room and board at least. Put your agreement in writing so that money will not be considered a gift if they need to apply for Medicaid. Perhaps getting this money from them would enable you to work fewer hours each day, or enable you to pay for in-home help.

Do look for financial aid for them. But also be sure they are paying their own way to the extent that they can.
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If you contact your area's equivalent of the Council on Aging, you'll get your answer there. There are family caregivers who ARE paid for by the state, but I believe one has to be on Medicaid to get that help. Perhaps the Council on Aging or one of their sister agencies can answer your question.

At the very least, the COA will send someone out to evaluate what services your mom and brother MIGHT be entitled to. Some on income dependent. Others aren't.

Mom had too much in assets to qualify for much, but she DID qualify for $1,000 a year to help with caregivers. It's come in very handy. Just like someone handed her a $1,000 check.

Mom's doctor comes to the house because she's considered housebound. She gets her toenails cut at home by a podiatrist. She has a hospital bed and oxygen. All paid for by Medicare.

Get in touch with senior social services in your area. You might be very surprised what your brother and mom would get in the way of help.
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I am not aware of any agency that pays family to take care of loved ones. You can contact local services for the aging to come out and do an evaluation as to what services they are eligible for during the day. You may have to contact both doctors and request this be done. Usually the doctor contacts the home health care provider for an assessment. Medicare will take care of most charges for these services. Good luck!
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