He was diagnosed with advanced mixed dementia 3 years ago yet he thinks he is fine. I can’t leave him alone and he refuses adult day care or a caregiver. He wants only me and I am totally burned out. I am a prisoner in my own home. There is a bed available in a private memory facility and I am in the process of filling in the forms, but I am very anxious about getting him to go.
My husband is 87 and I am 72.
Also, if you have kids for support, you may be able to discuss with all of you present. Inform him you're not feeling up to the job-its too much for you, and that you'll visit him every day but that you need the rest. Something along those lines. And bring up all the new friends you'll both make at the facility. Explain all the benefits.
Or a friend, neighbor, relative, takes him out for a day while others move his furnishings to the facility (and set up his room as close to how it was at home as possible).
Is he mobile? Is there a chance he will attempt to leave? This also needs to be discussed with the admins.