
The accounting at the nursing home says she doesn't know anyting about the first stimulus

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I just did my mother’s taxes, it ask , did you receive first stimulus money. My mother has not received the second one . I answered yes, then the program ask if she received the second. ... no, it calculates into the tax program.... she will get it thru her filing....
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Another thought, the NH applied the money to the wrong resident. I worked in Accts. Receivable. Its not unusual to post money to the wrong accts especially if the names are similar. Is there a resident with the same last name?

What you need is proof that the money was sent and a copy of the back of the check showing the check was cashed. It will show the bank it was deposited to. Then u can go from there. Hopefully, if checks were mailed to residents, copies were put in a file before sending the checks to the bank.
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Her check would be sent to the address where her home address is listed on her taxes, not the nursing home.

It took me two calls to my congressional representative and three calls with the IRS to get our first stimulus payment. The IRS has had our direct deposit info for 30 years, but they sent a debit care for some reasons. (The second one was a check.) It's too late to get the first one replaced now, so if she didn't get it, she can take that amount off her taxes.
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JoAnn29 Feb 2021
You know I thought that later after I read the post. The check went to her last address.
Are you your mom's financial PoA? Or guardian? Or representative payee? You need legal authority to do what you are suggesting. Is your mom on Medicaid? More information is really needed to give you the best suggestions.
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SS and stimulus checks are two different things. Are you sure the stimulus check was received by the Nursing Home? Do you have proof? Are u talking about the first 1200 or the 600 distributed in Jan?

People receiving the stimulus either got them direct deposited to bank accounts because they have tax refunds done this way or received checks. Social Security themselves has nothing to do with the stimulus check distribution. The info I have says u need to contact IRS or your State Ombudsmen if you didn't receive the check.

At the time Mom was placed in the NH the person holding POA must have signed paperwork allowing the NH to become Moms payee for her SS. To reverse that, you would have to contact SS to become payee. SS does not acknowledge POA. But as I said, SS has nothing to do with Mom receiving her stimulus check or not.
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You've received answers on the other thread you started.

Have you checked the IRS website to see where your mom's stimulus money was sent?

If you think the NH has taken the money, contact your state's Attorney General:
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If the NH has become her representative payee for SS, you will have to call SS to get that changed. If you then stop paying her SS to the NH, they will discharge her.

Please line up a new nursing home for her before doing this.
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