My Gma (91, Alzheimer's) fell today for the 1st time in 8yrs of me being her CG.
It was a slow braced fall I caught the tail end of it but was too late. She was shaken up by the fall, but she was very close to her chair. I got her in her chair, when I did she was relieved. She can stand up but not walk, she does have pain in her hip. I've been icing & heating all day. I can changed her Diaper if she stands. So I think I'm gonna keep her in her chair tonight and me sleep on the couch. But what do I do? Shes not in pain by sitting but is in pain if I ask her to take a step or if I flex that leg. How do I know if it's bad enough to take her in? The Hospital is just as risky right now 😭
I'm asking this here because I see the falls are pretty common and I'm hoping I'm taking it out of proportion. Please Have Kindness 😭
She made it through surgery and is healing in a 2 week rehab. So far she is doing great. I dropped the ball on this I should have called immediately. But Thank God he kept her safe through all of this so far.
Please pray for her Recovery 🙏🏼🕊💗