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I remember my parents back when they were in their mid to late 80's use to brag that they only needed 6 hours of sleep at night. Great.... but they counted in the nap they took after breakfast... then they would go for a 2 mile walk.... and after lunch you could catch them napping again, and let's throw in the nap before dinner [mainly Dad as Mom was busy getting dinner ready], and then dozing off when the world news came on at 7pm.

Pam above is right about medication making one sleepy. My blood pressure pills made it hard for me to keep awake in the afternoon until the pills were adjusted.
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A lot depends on how healthy they are. An person in excellent health on NO medications might sleep 8 hours a night.
Someone with a failing heart or heavily medicated might sit all day and doze off frequently throughout the 24 hour cycle.
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