
My 93 year old mom has been a resident of a skilled nursing home for 10 years. In the last year the facility has gone through a lot of change; not for the better. The administrator does not care about the residents or employees. My mother has started complaining every day. They do not answer the call button claiming it is broken. I am searching for another skilled nursing home but there are only 3 in the metro and none have beds at this time. I’m frustrated. Should I hire a sitter?

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Thank you 97yroldmom for the link. I appreciate your willingness to share information.
Helpful Answer (1)

I’m very sorry for your mothers poor treatment.
Look here for the ombudsman contact for your Area.
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I contacted the social worker and she wrote a complaint. Then they refused my mother medical care after a CNA allowed her to fall and break her femur. It took them three days after the fall to get her leg X-rayed. I then wrote a detailed complaint letter to the administrator. His response was my mother never said she was in pain. My mother was screaming in pain and was ignored. This is abuse!

All of the long time employees have left. There is a new crop of people who lack experience and empathy.
Helpful Answer (2)

Don't hate me, but it's not only the nursing home that may have changed.

This bit about the call button going unanswered, and the staff claiming it's broken (and not repairing it? Really?) - have you tried it out yourself?

Changes, especially at the top, do tend to have teething troubles, that's true; but unless there has been a wholesale cull of the team your mother has known for these ten good years I don't think even demoralised staff would suddenly stop caring about her.

Have you drawn attention to the recent problems and been dissatisfied with the response?
Helpful Answer (3)

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