
My 92yr old, dementia father, likes to watch TV, a lot. I try to distract but I run out of ways. The problem is that he likes to watch his country shows but the play on a loop long into the hours. When I tell him he's already watched it 2-3 times and it's time to go to bed, he gets aggravated and mad and tells me to go to bed. I can't sleep when he's up and the TV is on, loud.
I've thought about fibbing and say we have to get up early, but then I get tongue tied...he stays up late, sleeps in late. I really want to get him on a better schedule. I'm his caregiver and I'm usually up early. Any suggestions, anyone deal with this?
We're going to Florida in a couple weeks, I hope I can get him into a program that will occupy him better than tv. He naps during the day and I try to keep him up but it's hard, we're out in the country, isolated and alone. I'll be glad to be back in my home for the winter in Florida.

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what was his occupation or hobbies? get hinm to help you fix something in the house or yard... talk about his child hood, get him to help you write memoirs about his life... if he remembers....

tell him he nneds to help you back cookies, cake, stew.... anything, keep his hands busy with folding towels, digging holes, scooping ice cream.... painting a picture, a fence, a plate..... anything....

Baseball? Take him to a local pub and let him watch baseball with some other folks....
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Of if that is over the top, get him into senior adult daycare, or outside activities, Teach him how to fly a kite again... take him to the observatory and look into the sky, or botanical gardens, and get him to plant..... work the dirt for a bit.. it does the body good.
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Let him watch TV in bed.... set the TV timer for 2 hours, , give him AMBIEN, BENEDRYL, ADVIL PM, ZZQUILL, MELATONIN, get the BED RAILS up, PUT A DIAPER ON HIM, LOWER THE LIGHTS, LOWER THE BED DOWN TO THE FLOOR, just in case he rolls out of it, put a cushion on the floor, and an alarm on the bed, just in case, SHUT THE DOOR... And if you don't think that is enough, give him 1/2 ambien more.....and another shot of ZZQUILL.

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Two ideas. First, get some good quality ear plugs for yourself. Memory foam is best. I am comfortable wearing them all night. Second, try a timer switch for the TV. Set it to turn off at ‘bed time’. It might work – it probably depends on whether you can think up a story he will believe!
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