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Hello Jesse, how are you hanging in there today? After reading and commenting here I started thinking about the last 5 years i have been a caregiver to my mom. It hasn't been near as bad as anyone here experiencing parents with dementia but its not always easy either. People who have not experienced the caregivers "lifestyle" simply have no idea what it entails or the toll it takes on our entire being. Even caregivers ourselves fall into the trap of doing more and then more and then more.....never quite reaching that feeling of accomplishment and appreciation......... Sigh.

My mom is from Germany, growing up ""
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It is so true, Mojorox. If others are like me they reach a point where inertia sets in. We can clean the bathroom, but it smells like pee in no time from the accidents. And cleaning the house seems like folly. I don't know how housekeepers do this for a living. They must be angels to keep their mood up.

My mother got a bit more industrious yesterday and shredded some things and did laundry. Yea! These little things make me feel better. Tomorrow she asked me if I would take her shopping and out to eat. I told her that anytime she wanted to do anything, all she had to do was get up and get dressed. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

To me one of the things that would make caregiving easier would be respect. Many caregivers aren't treated well and end up feeling used and angry about it.
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Sheesh.....hit post by accident.
Call this part 2
"The old country" as she calls it and she has always had.a completely different mentality about other people and relationships. Children were to be seen and not heard. We really didnt have any value because we were kids and were not able to contribute in some way. My mom laughed at the idea of respecting children as they could not possibly have earned any yet. As for herself, she expected respect and obedience immediatly due to her age alone regardless of her behavior, which was nasty. No, please or thank you, never a job well done, nothing was ever good enough for her. She would insult you, your friends, or anybody that came thru the door and then play it off as a joke. Ha!
Heaven help you if you were overweight, nasty, nasty, get the idea....
When i first came here to live, i was also doing most family gatherings as well, 5 a year. Family would help some but they truly had no idea how much work juggling mom and that plus so much more was. People were always leaving things for me to do as i lived here and it was easier. For who? It kept piling on and piling on my ahoulders until i started to feel bad about myself. Imagine that.
Then there came a day when it was said out stop complaining, that i was not married, had no kids, so i didnt have anything else to do anyway and certainly no excuses. To stop making everything about me.
Whoa! That stopped me in my tracks.
After my good hard cry, I could think of only one thing.and this is what i really want you to hear....


Say it to yourself, out loud, as many times in a day as you need. Believe it.
Dont accept people devaluing you and what you do. Not even your mom. Its not selfish to ask to be treated with kindness and respect. Kindnesses turn into expectations and then into demands. Learn to say no and mean it. Pick your battles, for sure, but start somewhere.
You have value Jesse.

Any time mom speaks unkindly or rude to me. I drop whatever im doing, say dont talk to me like that and walk away. Done for the day/night.
I wouldnt do favors unless she asked with please instead of demanding with scorn. I would ask her to leave my suite if she wasnt respecting my boundaries..etc.
Once, she was so angry, she told me i wasnt a nice person and continued to tell everyone the same thing. Cutting me down because she didnt get her way. I wrote her a letter listing all the tjings i was responsible for in just one week. I suggested that since i was so bad she probably would want to hire someone competant to handle things instead. And that list was looong.
3 days went by not speaking to me, then 5......
It wasnt overnight but she now treats me with appreciation and respect. We get along great and we are both happier. She values me. But you have to value yourself first.
The other things, like cleanliness etc are slowly falling into place too.
Ive told my siblings that i am no longer able to host all the dinners and gatherings so someone needs to step up to the plate or we will go without. If someone tries to pawn off a chore or job on me i tell them my plate is full, they need to find another option.
Took a bit but its all working out, albeit slowly.
Dont allow your mom to belittle your worth saying you have nothing better to do because you do. Living yout life.

When your tired and worn out and dont know what to do next remember..You have value and what you do is amazing. Believe it.
Take care (of yourself too)
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So true. Almost 3 years ago i was becoming so bitter about things i enjoyed nothing and that helped noone. Even the smallest effort from others can bring some balance. Its not too much to ask for.
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LOL Jessie, being a house cleaner can feel rewarding because you come into a dirty home and when you leave it looks and smells clean (or at least better), so you feel you have accomplished something nice for someone. Cleaning up at home isn't the same because we don't often blitz through the entire house in one afternoon, and at home you get to witness the thoughtless destruction of all that hard work!
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cwillie, old cluttered houses never really feel clean. I often think how much better things would look with a fresh coat of paint. Then I think about all the furniture and moving the books... yeeks, the fresh paint didn't sound so good. :)

Mojorox, you are so right about how we need to feel good about ourselves. I think this is particularly hard for women when they get older and retire. We become invisible to most of the world, it seems. And then to be treated poorly by family makes it worse. I find nothing more inspiring than finding other women my age and mindset. Like today I went to exercise and found other women who shared my politics. We had a great time talking. There are a lot of people out there looking to share time with others. It makes you realize you're not so alone after all.
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JessieBelle, you wrote: " Most people don't know family histories, so speak about the norm. There are people who feel that children owe parents the same care the parent showed them. This usually only applies to daughters. It is the right viewpoint in many people's minds." This is SUCH a good point! People expect DAUGHTERS to take care of parents. No women's lib in elder caregiving!
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Jessie, hooray for finding kindred spirits at your exercise session. Perhaps you can increase yiur exercise time? It does the body and mind a world of good (if I remeber correctly - LOL). And mom can vegetate in front of the TV with or without you, right? So I vote for a few more hours/week of "without." Honor yourself.
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I go somewhere every day for exercise. It is either for a long walk or to the senior center exercise room. You would think I would be a paragon of physical health, instead of a 155-lb weakling. :)

This has been a hectic morning. The modem/router went bad on my system, so I had to drop by AT&T to get another. I tried setting it up, but they had cancelled my password since I never use it. So I had to deal with them on the phone to get it set up. While doing this, the telemarketers were calling my mother, who wasn't answering the phone. That drove me crazy. Finally things were fixed and I got orders ready to send. I walked to the post office for a bit of exercise and stress relief. My nerves were frayed. When I got back, Mom wanted me to find a pill she dropped. She wanted to go to the doctor because she was dizzy (chronic condition), and she wanted to turn the heat on because she was freezing (80 degrees outside). I didn't do any of these things because they didn't need to be done and I had already handled all the frustration I could. Right now I am trying to chill and get caught up on my work before we go shopping and out to eat.

These golden years are really only brass. :-) Hope I live long enough to look back on things with a smile.
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BTW, I did find the pill she dropped. It turned out to be a plastic tab that comes off of her blood sugar testing things. Not a pill at all.
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