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Shingles, chicken pox, herpes are all kissing cousins. Personally, even if you've had shingles or chicken pox I would still get vaccinated- and I'm a bit in the anti-vaccine camp. It is possible to get these miserable viruses a second time - usually not as bad as others have noted. Still - I had chicken pox when I was five and I still remember how awful it was - I did get a Play-Dough Factory out of the deal but it was of small consolation!
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Nothing to add, but my deepest sympathies. I understand the shingles shot is available OTC, but when we tried to get one with a prescription in hand, and medical insurance, they told us we would still have to pay $200 for the shot. ??? But they were 'out of the vaccine in any event that week because it has to be refrigerated'. ??? They say everyone should get a shot but they make it difficult and expensive - and it isn't all that effective against shingles anyway. Though its better than no vaccine, and even if you do get shingles, the shot will make it less horrific to bear.
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For my shingles on my forehead at my hairline then progresses into my eye and ear. This led me to my eye doctor since my eye felt scratchy, she correctly pit me on an antiviral. You have to get on it quickly! Them the combo itch and burning was maddening. Fortunately I found out about lNorth American Oil of Oregano. Yes it burns when you put it on, but stopped the itch and best of all prevents the post lingering of the pain. Do not get in the eyes! You will smell like an Italian restaurant but the relief is worth it. I did suffer permanent nerve damage inside that ear, since I did not put it in the ear. I get my doctor to look in that ear if I have a sore throat, since one doctor I saw for a throat infection after the shimgles were gone, found a bad ear infection that she could not believe I could not feel! Good luck. Never have had shingles since, and yes I had family issues and stress at the time when I broke out. A pharmacy aide said that the first vaccine could give me shingles again, so have never taken it in these 10 years since. I am 72 years, female.
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I empathize with your hubby. I had shingles about 8 years ago. The lesions were around my rib cage. The only thing that allowed me to find a semi-comfortable position was Percocet. I wish I had known about the apple cider vinegar then. Also, Aveeno puts out a very soothing, oatmeal skin cream which is helpful. Wishing him a speedy recovery.
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I can think of much, much worse things to smell of than an Italian restaurant, Bicky! You poor thing, that really is a terrible site for the rash to develop.
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My sympathies to all of you out there! My husband is healing up nicely, thanks to a very alert Urgent Care doctor and a pharmacy that is open on Sunday. There ARE some benefits to living in NYC!
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Babalou: Great news and btw, we have urgent care facilities open in the Millersville, Maryland area on Sundays.
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It's 2:15 am and I just woke up an angry, hot, itchy mess. I dreamt I had the chicken pox! The dream was so real I had to get up and look in the bathroom mirror. I blame this thread - thanks ever so much. lol!
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Rainmom: I don't call that a dream! I call that a nightmare! UGH!
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