My husband needs 24/7 care, and I cannot be there due to working. He is very personable, cognitive thinking is good, but he would spend so much time alone and he seems to thrive on the social aspects of his facility. I am 15 yrs younger and feel guilt when I am not there every day. My stress level is very high and am not able to eat a lot of foods due to allergy, so I know I am undernourished. How does one take care of oneself without guilt and no time?
I was also using Z Quil while she was away, but only for a couple nights at a time...that has the same stuff in it as benedryl...diphanhydramine, so you may want to avoid that if you are concerned about taking benedryl...
Some places allow you to eat meals with patients. Your husband should understand. Just an hour is better than nothing.
When husband went into the nursing home, did you ask about the community spouse allowance? You are not expected to be impoverished, you needs should be met. Ask the Social Worker at the facility for help.