
Ok, so my husband is forgetting to clean himself totally after a bowel movement. He goes fine, in the bathroom, just forgets to clean thoroughly. When I’m there I instruct and we get it done, no problem. Is it diaper time? Any other suggestions?

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I think it depends on the individual person if they are degraded or not. My mom who wore ‘adult briefs, disposable underwear, whatever else people call them’ always referred to hers as ‘diapers.’ She wasn’t degraded by it at all. She said to me one day, “These are ‘diapers’ that are made for adults.” I said, “That’s true, mom.” She was giggling at the wording on the package.

Mom would tell me, “When you go to the drugstore, buy some more diapers for me.”

The commercials that show them being delivered to your house in ‘plain boxes without labels’ cracks me up. They speak about the embarrassment of buying them in stores. Oh, please! I bought 3 and 4 packages at the time at the drugstore for my mom and was never embarrassed to place them on the counter at the register. No one looked at me purchasing them or made a comment about it. Those commercials are ridiculous and attach a stigma to it. They purposely make it into a big deal to drum up business for themselves. Get deliveries for convenience, not because they feel that it’s embarrassing to buy a necessary product. Are women supposed to be embarrassed to buy pads or tampons too? 😆 What about condoms? They are in full view in drugstores. 🤣 Pregnancy tests? And so on…
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Why would it be "diaper time" just because he's not thoroughly cleaning himself after he poops? You will have a much bigger mess to clean up if you want him to start pooping in a diaper.
If you are not with him all the time to make sure he is clean, then you will just have to clean him when you get home. They make flushable wipes that you can use to make it a little easier.
And if and when the time comes that he actually does need to start wearing "diapers," please make sure that you're not calling them that, as that can be quite degrading for a person. Instead you can just call them his new underwear. Wishing you the best.
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What's his diet? A diet high in veggies and fruit will lead to less of a mess.
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My hubby has been in pull-ups for about 3 years, due to heavy diuretics. My best friend told him that her dad started using "paper underwear " after he had to go on diuretics. Hubby's reaction was if Steve wore them I can too.
Hubby often doesn't do a real good job cleaning up either, so I bought adult "baby-wipes" and told him he had to use them everytime he used the toilet so he wouldn't get "dry skin" from the paper underwear. I didn't think it necessary to embarrass him by telling him he wasn't wiping very well. So far, this is working. I hope this might work for you too.
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That is up to you. I can see using disposable briefs when going out somewhere but at home he is using the toilet and only needs help with knowing what to do, as far as wiping himself. Why purchase briefs? You will have to clean him up afterwards anyway. What are your thoughts on this? Are you addressing overnight issues so you can sleep or anytime throughout the day?

Others will offer their opinions too, so stick around for answers.

Best wishes to you and your husband.
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