
Also the bank were my boyfriend has been banking with for 10 years called aps services because he received a huge check. Now we are being investigated when I’ve been going in that bank for 8 years with him and not to mention because I put my son out. What can I do now. She keep saying she is closing the case but still hasn’t….

I thought the son called CPS and APS. CPS will not get involved if the child is 18.

APS will investigate a claim, doesn't mean the claim is viable. Why would a bank call APS because a large deposit was made into ur boyfriends account? Was it fraudulant? A scam where boyfriend was to keep a certain amount of money and write a check to someone else for the balance? Only to find after he sends the money, the check deposited to his account is a fake? Did you receive this check somehow and deposit into boyfriends acct not realizing its a fake? Bank may just be protecting your BF. You are not married to him so have no rights.

If APS has already talked to you and boyfriend, you just have to wait for her to finish her investigation.
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Reply to JoAnn29

Like Lea, I have a question. How old was your son when you "kicked him out".

Were I being "investigated" by anyone (with authority to investigate) I would be as welcoming, open, and honest with them as I possibly could be, and would await the results of the investigation.

DO update us when those results come in, won't you?
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Who called CPS and APS ? The boyfriend or your son ?

Is your son a minor ? Why did you kick him out ?

I don’t understand why the bank would call APS because the boyfriend received a check .

The only one to answer your question is a lawyer .
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to waytomisery
NeedHelpWithMom Jun 18, 2024
Exactly, this post isn’t very clear at all. I shook my head when I saw the part about the “ large check” too.
The only thing I can respond to is why in the world would you want to date a man 34 years older than you unless you were looking for a father figure in your life, or a sugar daddy?
And why now would you choose to stay with a man who called CPS on you unless your child was under the age of 18? Or did your son call CPS? I'm confused.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to funkygrandma59
NeedHelpWithMom Jun 18, 2024
I was the first person to respond to this post.

I started to ignore it, because like you I find it very confusing.

As far as the age difference, I don’t care. They are both adults. The rest of the post makes no sense to me at all.

The age of the child is concerning. If she is neglecting a minor child to be with a man, that’s a problem.
"What can I do now? "

If you're innocent, the facts will prove it. Just cooperate and consider consulting a lawyer so you don't make any mistakes to your disadvantage as you talk to APS.

We aren't lawyers. This is a global forum and you have no idea if we'd be giving you solid advice. This is an anonymous forum and no one here has any accountability for giving you bad guidance.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Geaton777

Cps is involved because you kicked out a minor, and a bank only involves aps when they suspect financial abuse.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to PeggySue2020

How old is your son that you kicked out?
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Reply to lealonnie1

I’m sorry but I can’t make heads or tails out of your post.

Please explain your situation more clearly so others can try to help.

Best of luck to you.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to NeedHelpWithMom

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