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For all passwords and user names on my computer, I use my cell phone. I don't actually put in the passwords but I use hints like some are my dog's name so I put in "dog" and an abbreviation for my user name. If I lose my phone, no one would know what my passwords or user name is and I also use my cell phone as a list for things that I have to buy at the store. You have a section on your cell phone called memo and I list everything on it that I know I want to remember. My insurance plan takes out their fee automatically from my bank account. And I'm sorry that your life insurance plan was cancelled. I also list on my cell phone payments that are due for electricity, water, insurance, etc. along with the amount and date it is due. And I list those also on my calendar on my phone when they are due. I utilize automatic payments from my bank for those services that I know are due so I never get a late fee. Hope this helps.
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ThereIsNoTry Aug 2018
I use a similar system of reminders that tell me the password without revealing to others.
Report will need to become Court appointed Conservator. I just went thru this after having to catch up all the bills that were anywhere from 30-90+ past due.
It isn't so much the Government expecting the elderly to remember things as much as children should realize the time has come to take care of one's parents now.
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I have the same problem - too many passwords, etc. I have an Apple computer and made a PAGES (Apple program; WORD program if you have a Microsoft computer.) I have it a title that would not be recognized and it is located among my documents I store in Pages. I added the name of the SITE, LOG-IN E-MAIL, PASSWORD and made notes as to whatever information the sites require. When I forget, all I do is open the document and find the site I want to access and all the information is written down. There are other more complex methods but I don't know how they work. This password file is my bible and avoids so many problems for me.
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I have a lot of login info too (ie: usernames, passwords, etc). I use a rolodex. I have one strictly for job search and another for all the others.
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If like me, you don't have a generic "memo" on your phone, I have found an app that works so great - I think it will do a lot more but instead of learning the tricks of it, I just make lists on it - easy to use, double tap allows editing, no need to save, whatever you did last is how the file looks next time you open it. Colornote and I downloaded it from the Playstore (I have a Motorola smart phone)

However I don't use it for my passwords, for those I keep a file on my laptop that I update each change. Unfortunately it isn't foolproof. I am not always on that laptop, and sometimes the file gets confused with a backup file.
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I use Google keep
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Get a Password assistant. You can download one online and set it to autofill all of your passwords. I use Last Pass and I couldn't live without it.

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I have all mine in excell.
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Ypu can purchase journals specifically for password. I keep mine in my notes on my phone which needs a password to access
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I'm surprised athow many peopl recommend keeping their poasswrds in a file on their computers....That's just asking for hackers to steal them. Don't do it!
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