
My mom was in Nursing home for about 6 months before she passed way. 3 months of that time was on Medicaid other 3 months was Medicare. Everyone keeps telling me Medicaid will want there money back, do I contact FSSA or wait for letter. Anyone any information on Estate Recovery in Indiana. Thanks

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It depends on assets such as a home. If there are no assets there's nothing to recover.

If you are the person who set up Medicaid you must have had a contact with social services (or something comparable). That contact can help you. Otherwise go to and find Indiana under state resources. You'll see a long list of sites for Indiana so you should find local guidance there.

It could be that you are worrying about nothing - it simply depends on if there is anything to recover.
Good luck,
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I have a similar question. My husband received home help services from CCSP for 3 years.There have never been any assets ib his name. I have been trying to get help from an elder law attorney. They charge $400 for a one hour consultation and $2,600-6,000 for setting up a trust. I am planning on calling Ga Senior Legal Aid today . I don't know if estate recovery on;ly applies if the person has been in a facility. This gets harder every day. I would like to have a day without decisions. Anyone have spare?
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They usually have brochures at the DNS offices or you can Google for info online wit the name of your state + Medicaid + Estate + Recovery. And yes, when we looked into it in PA a few years ago, Medicaid would expect to receive rental monies from a home you were keeping in hopes of the person eventually returning.
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Is there a house in Mother's name? Did she have any other assets?
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I have the same question.
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I, too, would like to know what happens. (The house was transferred to my and my brother's names long ago, mom having the right to live there of course. Then 2 years ago she went in a nursing home paid for with Medicare, Medicaid, her social security and pension. She owns nothing in the world except $50 a month into her personal account at the NH).
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Now we are renting the house out and Medicaid is sticking its nose in trying to get a cut of the rent money. Sending letters demanding to know all the details.
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I spoke with someone at GA Senior Legal Services They will review my case and be in touch with me in 5-7 days. When I hear from them, I will share info.Keeping on, keeping on.
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As a child you are not responsible. To get Medicaid your Dad had to have no assets. If he did have a house, a lien was probably put on the house. If you sell the house, the lein will have to be satisfied at time of sale. If you choose to keep it you will be responsible for the lein. No assets nothing to be paid back.
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I agree with JoAnn. This was your parents' house and you, as their child, are not responsible.
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