
House/car is in my name before he passed. I am concerned as everything was put in my name before he passed. All investment accts show my Trust as the beneficiary. But the Trust states two children are to get %. If all accounts are mine, what would the % be?

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Garden Artist, I agree. I have an appt with an attorney but cannot get into him until next month. The Legal who drew up the Trust said there is nothing going to the kids, even though the percentages are mentioned. I doubt that. I want this to go well and it probably won't,
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I have to file the Will with Probate? I thought if you had a Trust, you avoided Probate?
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Here's what I'm understanding from your post. You and your late husband both had separate trusts. Everything your husband owned before he passed have YOUR trust listed as the beneficiary.

I'm not a lawyer, but if what I'm understanding is correct as stated in my first paragraph, the two children get nothing.
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Sounds as if there may be an inconsistency, or an omission, unless there are assets in your partner's trust which haven't been designated as intended for your trust.

Talk to the attorney who drafted his Trust to get this straightened out.
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Oregongirl, this is a question for the lawyer you need to have with the family you have described. That person will be able to read the language of the trust and the transfers and make sure that any questionable language is explained to you. If there is a discrepancy, best make sure that a lawyer reviews it before you file a will with probate court.
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