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You have been sold a bill of goods.
Are you that desperate?

Imagine this woman, who you are in competition with already, and her mother attending your wedding....

That you paid for....
Helpful Answer (5)

The meaner they are the longer they live and they only get worse with age. If your happiness will be dependent on her not being awful then maybe discuss boundaries with your partner before the wedding.

What will happen if you just refuse to pay the hospital. If it is MIL’s debt then I would not think they could hold her son responsible. I have not personally dealt with this so just wondering what your options are.

I think you are definitely not a bad person and pretty wise to try to deal with this now! I would tell you some thoughts I have had about my mother but probably not appropriate on a public forum! 😀 Good luck!
Helpful Answer (8)
NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2020
I agree! I have known very mean people that lived a really long time! Hahaha

Great post!

You say that you love him. I understand that you love him. You deserve love too. Is he showing you love?

You are frustrated and have a right to be. I’m sure that he is frustrated too. He most likely feels trapped. He has been conditioned to believe he must be available to her. He may even feel guilty even though he doesn’t have a reason to feel guilty. His mom has exhibited self centered and manipulative behavior for years!

His mom is responsible for herself. If a person needs help getting over a hump and you choose to help, that is admirable but if you see a clear pattern of someone continuously needing help then you should not feel guilty about stepping away. He needs deprogramming. He has lived in a ‘cult like’ atmosphere.

You haven’t been able to speak to him about any of this so you are about to explode.

Both of you need to talk about your issues, preferably with a mediator such as a ‘marriage and family therapist.’ If it isn’t resolved with therapy then run away as fast as you can. Yes, it will hurt. You will heal and most likely will find a terrific guy later on.

That would be very helpful for each of you. I wish you well.
Helpful Answer (3)
NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2020
Counseling could help each of you see things clearly. Since you are broke from spending so much money on his mom
look into a someone who offers counseling with an income based pay scale.
Consider how all this has made you feel and act.
Having thoughts that you wish someone were dead is not a good reflection on you. It signals hate and bitterness is brewing.
You call her your Mil, she is not.

To whom did you give the wedding money to? I suggest you withdraw all that you have contributed to the fund and tuck it away in your own account, now. Did you buy your own engagement ring also?

Money has already become an issue between you. A joint savings account between fiances is strange to me. It is customary for the bride's family to offer the wedding, hold the rehearsal dinner. It is customary for the groom to buy the ring, propose, pay for the wedding flowers, and other customs. Is your family on board with that?

The future bride cannot capture a man by giving him money, imo.
(Unless you are looking for an irresponsible gigolo?). You are worth more than that.

It would be more like human nature if you backed off, allowed him to pursue you by gently dancing away. He may only then be willing to leave home and his mother, and grandmother's demands.
imo. Next time he offers you 8 hours of his weekly time, say you are busy elsewhere. Trying on wedding dresses with your girlfriends?

If your culture is different, and you plan to move in and live with his family...and to give a dowry, that exchange is not done until you are married, in a lot of cultures and traditions. imo.

All I can think of the sad scenario you have presented is what would I advise if you were my grand-daughter?

Wishing you the best, and a real education about scam artists.
Helpful Answer (7)


You are correct.

If I post under the name Sunshine45, I make it known that I am also known as Haileybug. I do this so no one will think I am trying to hide under another name.

When I stated YES - I was referring to the OP question about was it wrong for her to wish her MIL was dead.
Helpful Answer (0)
NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2020

Speak your mind. If people disagree, they disagree. Everyone has a right to their opinion and people have a right to disagree as well.

No need for an alias.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could lock all the toxic people together in a room to annoy each other? LOL

Then all of the sane people could live their lives in peace! Hey, I am not wishing anyone dead like the OP. Just lock them up for a loooooong time with their own kind. They would end up killing each other!

Just a joke, people. Feeling sarcastic! PLEASE don’t take this post seriously.

I do have a feeling that the OP would love my idea and throw away the key if her partner’s mom was in a locked room for crazies!
Helpful Answer (8)

Once I read the question, I didn't read anymore. That was enough for me.
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2020
Hailey, forget using an alias. Just be yourself. It’s impossible for everyone to always agree.

Would you even want everyone to agree all of the time? How would anyone learn a different point of view if we all agreed with each other? Or you may find validation that you never want take on the other view.

Don’t be intimidated by disagreements. They can be annoying for all of us but life will always have annoyances. There will never be a perfect world with perfect people.

Thank you. You are so right. Great advice. :)

I don't mind the disagreements. Just don't want a gang trying to beat up on me. lol
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2020
I understand, Hailey. You’re welcome.

People tend to treat us by how we treat ourselves.

Have respect for yourself by not being intimidated by a disagreement or even an insult.

You are entitled to your opinion and people are entitled to disagree. You may or may not change how you feel. Forget about what they do. You can’t control others.

Nevertheless, everyone deserves to be heard. So as I said before, speak your mind.

Do listen to others too. We can all learn from each other. Some people speak with diplomacy. Others are more direct, but tactful and kind. There are bullies. Sad but true. Take what is useful, discard the rest.

Everyone has different personalities. Most likely are reacting to their personality. Personality clashes happen on a daily basis. You will never like everyone, nor have everyone like you. Don’t even have a desire for everyone to like you.
I am sorry that you are experiencing so much drama with this future "momma." (Yes, I meant the punny rhyme.) Seems that your partner may need to unravel this problem relationship before you say "I do"... and it may take some time. Since your partner already experiences depression, he is probably feeling hopeless about this relationship. May I suggest that together reading "Boundaries" by Townsend and Cloud as a start. Discuss the problem behaviors that are driving you both nuts - and possible responses to her stepping all over your toes: financially, relationally... If this seems to hard to accomplish, please consider seeing a counsellor to help you with creating new ways of interacting with his mom.
Helpful Answer (3)

RUUUNNNNNN! For some reason, you are willing to put up with abuse, hoping it will change. It will not change because he is too tangled up with mom. You deserve better than this. Read the book Boundaries and get some counseling on why you have such a hard time removing yourself from a bad situation. You deserve better than this and being single is much better than the bad marriage that you are headed for.
Helpful Answer (10)
my2cents Oct 2020
I don't think this is really abuse. It sounds more like she has offered to use her money to make boyfriend more pleased with her. Sometimes people aren't abused. They want a relationship so bad, they give more than they're gonna ever get back. After a while, they don't like it. If boyfriend (and his family) managed mom's expenses and care before she came into the picture, they can continue doing so.

This is an excellent example of not comingling money and finances with another person. You have a person who has ability to save and a partner who spends whatever he has plus whatever he can get his hands on. You can bet your bottom dollar, if she lost her job their 'partnership' would suffer. She is not the priority in the relationship now and may never be. It kind of that old saying - if you keep on doing what you're always doing, you keep on getting what you've been getting. In this case, she's getting an empty palm stretched in her direction for a handout. She needs to get her name off his account - new account for her money and separate for his money. Split common expenses down the middle. If he runs out of money, oh well. Wait for the next pay day. If she wants to donate a little cash to his family situation, you donate what you can afford. You don't clean out your bank account.

She may think she has a future with this guy, I see a pretty bumpy road if things are already this one sided. And a finance issue like this will get HUGE as time goes on. Probably number one reason for divorce.
I see that book recommended a lot on the forum. Must be good!

I think we could all write books!
Helpful Answer (1)

I'm sorry, but I don't see how any of this is going to change. You have no point of control here and no way to effect any change in either your partner or his mother.

Why, exactly, is your partner responsible for his mother? Is this a choice he has made? Has someone forced him into this position? Could he divest himself from this responsibility if he chose?

I hate to seem cruel and unthinking, but if your relationship is not the first priority for your partner are you sure you want to continue this? Such complex family relationships never get better after marriage and often get worse.
Helpful Answer (5)

I sometimes have bad thoughts. But I'm not a bad person and neither are you. As long as you don't actually hurt anyone .
I Don't really want to hurt, for example, my dad. I'm a religious person and know the consequences.

Sometimes, a situation just brings the thoughts on. That's why we need a change and a solution, like you and finance leaving toxic MIL.

As for me, I need to leave dad. Have someone else care for him
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2020
A person doesn’t have to be religious to know right from wrong.

I am a believer as well, but I recognize that there are moral agnostics and atheists.

Some atheists are more moral than hypocritical Christians who use the Lord’s name to harm others. Sad, isn’t it?

Regardless of consequences, a moral person would not wish to take away a life of anyone, not even an enemy.

I agree that everyone has passing thoughts. Thoughts don’t harm anyone, only actions hurt others.
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Pretty harsh to wish anyone dead, in my opinion.

You call her your mother in law, yet you say you aren't married. You not being married has nothing to do with her. If what you're saying is you consider yourselves common law married and you are wanting a big wedding ceremony/party. That's different.

Your partner is responsible for her because he wants to be. It may not be what you want in your life, but for some reason he wants her in his. Not sure how long you two have been together, but it sounds like mom is going to remain a priority. If you're not happy in this arrangement now, you probably won't be later on either. Sounds like he will continue to use whatever extra cash he has to help her out. On the other hand, if you want to remain here, then lower your expectations of the wedding.

Are you wanting a big blow out party or just to have folks around to witness a wedding? It doesn't have to cost a great deal of money to have a wedding.

It seems she gives you stress and perhaps not so much for her son.

Not sure of her age, but sounds like not old enough for Soc Sec or Medicare. If she has legitimate, documented illness, have you applied for SSI for her? It's for disabled people who didn't earn enough in their life to qualify for Soc Sec. If she was married to someone for 10 years and disabled, she may be able to qualify for Social Security of that husband.

You can also check the area where you live for health care options. Some counties have low income assistance. Some also have indigent care assistance. There is also the affordable care health plan (some call it Obama care) to apply for. Seems it would be cheaper to pay for insurance each month than to pay huge hospital bills. You can also talk to the social worker at the hospital to let them know she has no money - they can probably direct you to assistance options.

Does she live with you - or you/boyfriend live in her house with her? The answer to that would also be a little more insight. It's no logical that a person never worked in their life and didn't have someone providing for them. More to the story, I think
Helpful Answer (5)
Isthisrealyreal Oct 2020
Good advice and I agree completely. Wishing someone dead is harsh.
Thank you so much everyone! I have never felt so heard, validated and understood in my life. Thanks for hearing me out and I promise all of you that I will do everything I can to protect myself from this kind of abuse. I know I do not know all of you personally, but I feel like we are more than strangers here so I am grateful to each of you. ^^
Helpful Answer (10)
NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2020
You’re so welcome! Best wishes to you. Take care. We support you.

Don’t blame you for being frustrated with this unfortunate situation.
The apple does not fall from the tree, find another boyfriend.
Helpful Answer (7)

Blair, she is not your mother in law, he is not your husband and you are worried about being the bad guy?

You need to reconcile yourself with never having what you need or want from this mommas boy that you have attached yourself to.

8 hours a month does not a relationship or commitment make.

If you were smart you would be looking for a marriage with an available man and quit wasting your time trying to will his mother to die. He has shown you time and again that she is his 1st priority.
Helpful Answer (6)

I know I already responded to this--and for some reason it stayed in my mind all day--I was pretty harsh.

Then late last night it hit me WHY it was bugging me: Because I absolutely wouldn't want ANYONE to have to go through what I (and obviously many others) went through, all for the sake of 'love'.

The ONLY thing that has 'saved' my marriage is that my DH really doesn't jump and run whenever his mom calls anymore. At first, before she divorced FIL, there was no need for DH to show up at a moment's notice. After the divorce we had a lot of years where she simply called over everything, if I was the one who showed up to replace the sprinkler, she'd lock herself in her house. And then have the house re-keyed because I now knew where the spare key was. Seriously.

I would take a long break from this man. 8 hours a week? I have a more intimate relationship with my Alexa!

You need some serious counseling to see why you are 'helping' care for a woman who is, quite literally NOTHING to you.

Love needs to be fed and nurtured. Yours isn't getting much more than lip service. Please--don't be so desperate to not be alone that you make a mistake that will bring you pain and sorrow.

Intelligent, well rounded people understand that in a marriage, the man LEAVES his wife and CLEAVES unto his wife.
Helpful Answer (5)

Please come back and tell us what happens. We enjoy updates.
Helpful Answer (1)

Blair has another thread. Look on it for a new discussion.
Helpful Answer (2)

You're not married yet and your MIL is making you miserable. Or rather, your boyfriend's acquiescence to his mother's every demand while you suffer is making you miserable.

If you continue in this relationship, you will look back on how you feel now as the "good times".

You have a degree and I'm assuming a decent job. Keep your money completely separate. Don't make any big purchases together, especially a house. And for God's sake, don't marry into a situation that you already know is going be a nightmare.
Helpful Answer (7)

You need to move out ...she’s not your MIL. I suspect you have an ulterior motive. I also wonder why he chose to be with someone as selfish as you. This whole situation is not your problem so why did you make it yours? Sorry, I have no sugar coated words.
Helpful Answer (2)
MJ1929 Oct 2020
Bravo! Everything about this childish (at best) and sick (at worst) post turns my stomach.

You don't havea MIL if you aren't married, and all the whining in the world doesn't make a square peg fit in a round hole. This is toxicity at its worst, and the mother isn't the toxic one.
See 1 more reply
My grand daughter and her boyfriend are around the same ages.
There are photos on fb, they look happy. She has a well rounded set of friends, and they go to each other's weddings. They both work hard. And spend some of their money on travel. Some on holidays, visiting their family and friends. They got a dog, and call themselves 'pawrents'. There is just enough time for this, and this is the time of their lives. They are not yet married.

This is not bragging on my part, and their relationship is not perfect, as they do have parents who are alcoholics and divorced.

Blair, maybe you could be having more fun?
Helpful Answer (1)

I don't think you really wish she was dead. I think you just want her out of your life. I think what you really need to do is have a serious discussion with your partner on how this is going to work moving forward. She may live for a while. What will you do then? Maybe rethink getting married.
Helpful Answer (5)

Blair, your ideas are changing as the post gets longer. I started from the beginning, and was shocked by your comments on your guy. “My partner is a very kind-hearted man. He cares about me. He cares about everyone. He doesn't want to upset anyone even if people are already causing him pain and stress.” “He has a good heart and won't say no to everyone as long as he can provide. He is a very responsible man.”

You weren’t describing a man who cares about YOU. Someone who will dig their heels in when their mother is upsetting YOU. Won’t stand up to ‘everyone’ or possibly ANYONE in order to protect YOU. You were describing a milk-sop. He sees you 8 hours a month!!! Have you read the book called ‘Maybe He’s Just Not That Into You’! It says that if he is crazy about you he will move heaven and earth to see you.

Now you have the guts to say “ME AND MY FIANCE ARE BEING USED BY HIS ABUSIVE AND NARCISSISTIC MOM!”. Make sure that he has the guts to say it too. If he doesn’t, leave while you can and DON’T GET PREGNANT. This is hard enough now.
Helpful Answer (7)

Yes, not nice to wish death on anyone..

The mom's Insurance even with Medicare should take care of the Hospital Bills..

If she has no money, she should be able to be on Medicaide.

Your husband to be does not need to use the excuse of his mom for ya'll not getting married.

Do you want to get Married or Have A Big Wedding?

I would choose a small Wedding and save the money for a nice Get Away Honeymoon to Hawaii as soon as they allow entrance.
Helpful Answer (1)
NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2020
In the OP’s position she should take herself on a trip without her intended spouse. Looks like he selected his mom for his mate!

She can hope to find a nice guy that has an interest in her at a later time. She should enjoy the single life for awhile!
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