Things here with mother are getting harder since her dementia and confusion are getting worse. She has always been rude and irritable with me, but she is now being "mean" to me mostly, but my husband, too. She usually wouldn't say anything rude to my husband, but now she is beginning to.
Mother can't stand to be anywhere without me. She is my shadow. If I come back to the bedroom to take my medicine and do some emailing, she is back here in 5-10 minutes asking why I don't come watch TV with her. If I go to the bathroom, she comes to the door and asks if I'm in there. Just things like that. All the time.
This morning, my husband and I came back to our bedroom to change clothes, medicine, email a minute and she comes to the door and calls my name. I said just a minute. When my husband comes out, she is in her bedroom doorway across from our bedroom (no privacy here) and says something rude to him. He just says that we are discussing husband and wife things. She flew off the handle and told us if we didn't like living there, just get out.
Then, she starts telling me how we free load off her. I reminded her we pay half the utilities and half the groceries and she told me I was lying.
What do you do? So, I shut up. When she said something rude, I said something nice about the weather, sitting outside to watch the birds, etc. Just ignored her mean-ness.
We have about had it living here. It is like this all the time. The nursing home is really looking good now. We moved up here to help them to keep them from moving into the nursing home. My step-dad ended having to go with his Alzheimer's. And, mother is just about to run us crazy.
I need some encourages words. Thanks so much.