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I have heard this many times in my 90 years . The siblings start distrusting each other with the help of their in-laws that don't have a deep family love. The survivors become like mercenaries and buzzards fighting over the dying body. In the end all family love is lost . Get an old preacher that has been married 50 years to the same mother of his adult loving children to mediate for you..
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The only way I'd ever do that is if both situations below were true...

1. The trust gave me permission to pass out money to whomever and
2. If the trustee still had enough money after the bequeaths were met that they would never need Medicaid's assistance should they need a nursing home or assisted living.

Only then would I feel I did right by my loved one, both morally and legally.

Otherwise, NO, don't do it. Let your loved ones know you feel for their pain, and you understand how hard it must be to wait in their circumstance, but wait you all must, for the sake of all (especially your mom). It's the law as well as the right thing to do.

And I say Kuddo's for you for looking for guidance from this forum. It shows you really wanted to do the right thing by your mom.
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