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his lawyer is wrong. You cannot impoverish your mother to enrich rest of family. I would bet lawyer knows IRS taxes and not state Medicaid law. The money is for vulnerable elder, not state to pay for her. Get your mother a lawyer that specializes in Medicaid. You will find the experts and armchair quarterbacks are frequently out for themselves. Your lawyer is right. And if it goes to court and your parent gets a fort appointed guardian, there will be even less left. Shame on sibling. No estate until she dies.
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I do think there is several issues with doing that.

Really, on top,of everything and Sis would leave yourselves open to elder abuse too. (Taking advantage of elders financially is elder abuse.....)

I would not go along with it. Moral and ethical aside...there is also criminal issues. Doing what is proposed would be a breach of the fiduciary responsibility...just say no.
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