
MIL is currently on Medicaid in NJ receiving in home nursing care. A QIT has been established to administer the monthly income that is over the limit. The only asset she has is a checking account that typically has less than $2,000 in it at the end of the month. If the account balance is more than $2,000 at the end of a particular month, would this violate the $2,000 asset limit rule? Or would this rule only apply at the initial application and subsequent annual renewals?

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Hopefully someone has been in this situation and can help.
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She is not in a NH. She lives with her husband in an apartment. Her income goes into a QIT and then most comes back to her as her allowance. In home care is provided by Medicaid directly.
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The 2K balance should never go up. Her SS and any pension should go to the nursing home. Her PNA will effect the 2k and will be counted against it. Why is the amount changing?

I don't think, could be wrong, that Medicaid checks banking accounts monthly but will want an updated bank statement when you reapply yearly.
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