
I've taken care of of mother for 2 years almost 3. my mother made me poa due to my sister in ohio was harrasing her over past things of ring then she called social svcs on me for things that wasn't mother decided to make me only poa and sister had had fit.She came pacifically to my mothers back not letting her know and put her name on the acct again

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Do you mean your sister contacted Social Services, or your mother did?
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Aside from the POA problems, your mother seems to be having paranoid delusions. If her accusations about you are untrue how can you be sure of what she says about your sister?
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Banks can't put additional people on an account without the authority of the account holder. If your mom had her on the bank account, and just took her name off the checks when she had them reprinted, that would not actually take the sister's name off the account. A completely new account would have been opened to get the sister off the account. Check with the bank, not with what your mom is saying. She may be confused. MLK day is a bank holiday, so check on Tues.
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