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Its so sad but very true.
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guilt makes us do things that we would tell friends are not in their best interest. It's easy to give advice to others. I am in a similar situation. I am now moving my mother to a siblings house. She is angry and lashing out at me. I too have provided excellent care and also still work in a demanding job with long hours. I am finally letting go of the guilt and taking my life back. It is hard work and some days I feel like the worst daughter in the world. Hang in there.
Helpful Answer (5)

Hugs to all of you. My sister and I share your pain. Fortunately we do not have to live with our 90+ year old negative, depressed and increasingly stubborn, difficult increasingly senile and mostly deaf mother. If we did, it would give us a nervous breakdown in a week. She is in a senior independent living facility, but shouldn't be there. She says she will kill herself if we move her. Yet, she doesn't know how to use the appliances any more, or cook (except soup and coffee) and won't get in the shower. We do everything for her and she goes down to the restaurant for most meals or lives on ensure and yogurt. The other residents keep an eye on her which is a lovely thing, watching seniors care for each other. Amazingly she still gets up, puts on makeup and gets her hair done weekly as her vanity and caring how "other people see her" is the most important thing to her and always has been her whole life. She has fallen several times but refuses to use a cane or walker (vanity!) She is interested in nothing, going nowhere, doing anything, no hobbies or interests except being negative about everything (she's healthy as a horse, no meds at 98!) and focusing on her looks (although she wears the same clothes and they are often dirty until we take them away - then she blames the housekeeping for stealing). Any change in routine confuses her. She does nothing but whine and she claims she can do it, and drive and have her own house and make her own home cooked meals, which she can't. Really, she was a good mom to us, but her personality and "quirks" are the same as they were 40 years ago, and we are realizing she has always been a "little girl" just much more extreme now. I wish there was an answer because we can't reason with her and even if we could she wouldn't remember 5 minutes later. We just pray she goes to sleep peacefully some day, because the alternative will be hell for her and us - she would have to besedated if she were bedridden or moved to managed care to deal with her crying and anxiety attacks. I also pray that if I live that long, that I don't do this to my children.
Helpful Answer (3)

My mother has lived alone for many years in a different state. She never hardly ever spent time with her children much less grand children. We had over the years asked her to move to our family state but she refused. Ive always felt like she had to be better than all of us for some reason. Well this last 4 months she found out she has lung cancer and it spread to her bones. Now she had to quick sell her house and come back here to live. When her brothers and sisters helped her move they could do nothing right. They spent hours driving back and forth to hall her stuff and arrange for a moving van. I told her she could live with me but she chose to go to her sisters. She didn't like the guy I was living with. It didn't work out with her sister and in the mean time me and my boyfriend broke up. Then she decided to move in with me. I was told that if I had anything to do with this guy at all she was going to move out. I am not working and need to find a job. She worries if I go to the store that I might keep 5 cents of her money but I'm living off my savings and she hasn't offered to pay the rent or cable bill she wanted. I make all the meals do the laundry gave up a room in my house for her and all I get is mean responses from her all day. I cant do this right or in her state people were nice or all of her things are in storage. I have brought a lot of her things here, but I have no more room. She wanted a message chair I went and bought one for her she has used it maybe twice. She treats me like I'm after her money and implies I'm not going to get anything. She gives things to my brother and always has to say how much it costs. She brought home some gummy bears the other day and told me I couldn't have any that they were hers. omg. How petty. I am not getting much help from my brother the only time he seams to show up is if he can take something home with him. I feel trapped in my own home and I think she likes it that way. What'
s up with this?
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