
My MIL received a check from the rehab/ nh she was previously at and we have not deposited it yet per BIL (POA) request. Her account will still be under the amount limit medicaid allows after the deposit. I'm not sure if what we should do, since she still receives Medicaid services through Waivered services?

Thanks for your responses in advance.

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Please also keep in mind that if you used any part of the payments that were later refunded as a tax deduction that any refund of money that you claimed as payments that was refunded will require a correction to tax return for the tax year that payments were claimed:)
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Thanks, terryjack, Pamstegma, and endofrope for your answers this is what I thought but needed a few other opinions on it. I think giving waivered services a anonymous call is a good idea also.
Blessings to all
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I agree, Pam, the money would have already had taxes paid on it, since it was hers to start with. She would not have to pay taxes on it a second time.
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A refund is not income, it's just a return of your own money. BUT you still need to stay under the cash limit.
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If the deposit doesn't raise her account over the asset limit then she should be okay. I'm not sure if it will be counted as income. You can call your local office and ask questions anonymously.
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Maggie, BIL is the one who says to hold the check. So my question is if anyone knows if this check she recieved would be additional income when it is deposited??

We both have to help mom with her finances now. She lives close by us, and he lives out of state. My husband and I take care of her bills and banking needs, plus we make sure she has the care and help she needs daily. My BIL is in charge of all the main financial decisions, so we all work together to make sure that the balance stays under the amount allowed by Medicaid.
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Ask your BIL.
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