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If your brother doesn't want your mom to go into a memory care facility then he can stay home and care for her himself.

(If funds are an issue Medicaid pays for a nursing home but your mom would have to be approved first).

When your mom passes, if you don't go back to work, you will be older, jobless, and mom-less. It's a tough spot to be in. I would encourage you to find a job now and make that a priority and find another situation for your mom. Many adults give up their life to care for an elderly parent and find themselves standing among the ashes and the ruins when the parent dies, with nothing to show for those years spent caring for that parent. I know because I was in the exact same predicament. However, I was in my middle 40's at the time and saw what was coming a mile away and was able to salvage my life but just barely.

As for the rages there are medications the Dr. can prescribe to help alleviate them.
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