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Do you think a pet would help? Perhaps a dog or cat if she loves animals! My sister with dementia always loved the pets. But she also loved having a stuffed toy in her bed to cuddle.
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I havent read all of the answers and I'm sure some will disagree with me. Your Mom is 98 years old. She didnt choose this dementia. I'm sure you love her dearly show her that love and if having you sleep with her makes her happy and feeling safe.......Please sleep with her. Remember she is 98. You will feel so good when the time comes......that you did something for your Mom that meant so much to her. Trust me......It will make her feel so loved and wanted. She needs and should have that now at this stage of the game. Please give her a hug from me.
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princessasa Nov 2021
And the lady’s husband? It’s a hard balancing act for her
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Sounds like she may be frightened of the concept of death
My Grandpa is the same way
I have found Dr Bach Rescue Remedy ( applied where you apply perfume. Ie wrists & behind ears
Also a few drops in all drinks throughout the day have really helped with the irrational fears and sleep problems
avail on Amazon, EBay & all big supermarkets etc. been around 80 years. All natural. No side or after effects
Additionally a tea of chamomile )4 bags to a mug) served with honey
or Catnip tea help give a deep relaxed aleep
if he is still upset & restless I pull the sheets out at the bottom of the bed and massage his feet with a little warm olive oil with a few added drops of essential Lavender oil
look up the reflex points for head & neck on a chart on google & pay special attention to reflex points there
He slides off to sleep while I massage Then I put on some big clean comfy cotton Sox
Majority now he sleeps until the morning
Just yesterday mentioned. “I’m sleeping really well”
it’s a lot of work initially
However he’s stopped asking if he will die in the night. And if I will sleep with him
with deep sleep he’s a much easier & more happy camper also
Let us know how you get on :)
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Riverdale Nov 2021
You are a Saint! I will search for that remedy.
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Get a dog or cat to sleep with her or a big stuffed animal.
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Stuffed Animal
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When I was single I used to sleep with a huge Teddy Bear. My daughter was living with me temperately because she was going through a very bad time. One night my door burst open, and daughter, in her best exorcist voice said, "I WANT THE TEDDY BEAR". So I gave it to her. It might help your mom.

I don't know how it would be, but if you have a medium size dog, would a real one help? I have no idea if it would work or not, perhaps someone else on the forum has tried it. Mom, Spot is going to stay here tonight to protect you.
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When I was single I used to sleep with a huge Teddy Bear. My daughter was living with me temperately because she was going through a very bad time. One night my door burst open, and daughter, in her best exorcist voice said, "I WANT THE TEDDY BEAR". So I gave it to her. As mentioned other places, it might help your mom.

I don't know how it would be, but if you have a medium size dog, would a real one help? I have no idea if it would work or not, perhaps someone else on the forum has tried it. Mom, Spot is going to stay here tonight to protect you.
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It sounds like either you should get a battery powered stuffed animal that moves and keep that with her when you're not around and make a bed in her room and sleep there.
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xdx83xdj: Imho, perhaps your mother could sleep with a stuffed animal.
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I agree with those suggesting real or robotic pet. There are some wonderful examples here of people going above and beyond to sit with their elderly, play music, read stories, massage etc :)
I will say Mum absolutely loves the cats sleeping on her bed. One cat is a senior so they have a special bond. Mum will ask where he is when going to bed and prep the bed for him. His also a real chill cat that is like a carer cat ;) his always purring and comforting. Some days I have played those relaxation apps. Mum particularly likes the rainforest and birds chirping sound. Just not rain as she’s sick of the rain atm with all her heart. It’s been raining here for real so much.
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How about a body pillow with enough 'heft' (stuffing) to feel like another person in the bed, to put an arm around, cuddly up with; even arranging extra pillows so mom has the sensation of something to 'back her up'. I get the sense this is akin to how a small child needs someone in bed with them to fall asleep, as they learn to self-soothe. So in a way mom is regressing. One of the lighter weighted blankets might be helpful too, to calm the nervous system. The sound systems are often helpful, too.
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Agree with Riley, try a low dose of melatonin maybe, 1-3 mg. tablet about an hour before you & hubby turn in.
Stick to a routine of helping her sleep in her own bed, using the suggestions mentioned in above posts as well.
Its a phase that will pass.
Best wishes.🙏
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Just a thought-perhaps one of those long body pillows pregnant women use would help or one of those stuffed animals-maybe the responsive kind. Perhaps a weighted blanket (not too heavy or weighted shawl.
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Get a white noise machine and then get her a full body pillow to hug and keep her comfortable
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Many answers are in line with my thoughts. But,dosing her with melatonin - or anything - could increase her risks of falls, and I would not do it unless recommended by a gerontologist, or she is immobile and no longer a fall risk.

The ideas of a pet, a big pillow (perhaps wrapped in a flannel shirt), and a large stuffed animal all make sense to me.

I'd also consider either an infant baby doll, or a toddler sized doll for her. Baby dolls have been shown to be very calming for dementia patients. She might enjoy a bedtime routine of putting the baby to bed beside her, then going to sleep herself. Perhaps add music (lullabies might be in line with the routine) or some sound she decides would comfort the child.
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