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My mom was always a night owl (bed at 1-2am, awake at 10am). When I moved in to take care of her I had her go to bed earlier and wake up a bit earlier because my schedule requires it. However, I think the most important thing is that she gets sleep. Like Raven1 my mom has nights where she doesn't sleep well, or very much, so I make sure to let her sleep later in the morning. And she does tend to nap in her chair during the day as well. I try to make sure that she is getting some sleep, as close to a good amount as possible. I'm not so concerned about the schedule that it comes on, since she is a natural night owl. These days she's heading to bed at 10-11pm and getting up around 9am, though she probably sleeps 4-5 hours on a bad night and 7-8 hours on a good night.
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My Mom wakes up around 3am to pee then hopefully falls back to sleep till around 5am. If I'm lucky she'll sleep till 7am. She needs to eat and take her meds by 8am. She goes to bed any where between 8-9pm
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My Father typically gets up around 6ish..reads the paper, takes his morning medication. He usually has breakfast around 8 a.m. and some mornings, he goes back to bed for a few hours. He also naps frequently throughout the day.
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My mother use to be up by 7:30am because the dog woke her up, lately however she stays in bed til 8 or 9 on a rare occasion 10. I honestly don't care if she sleeps in because I believe she wakes up in the middle of the night and stays awake for long periods of time, so come morning she is still tired. On most days she eats breakfast and reads the entire newspaper and winds up in her arm chair and naps in mid morning to early afternoon. Honestly it allows me time to get things done around the house that are easier to do while she is sleeping.

I have no idea how long your Mom may sleep but if it seems totally unreasonable then I would ask her doctor about it.
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