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I am back and after some of the answers, I am not sure if you all are being truly serious or just downright ignorant. When a patient has a diagnosis of bipolar, dementia, altzheimers, parkinsons, it doesn't always have to do with medication making them see or feel bugs. Sometimes it is contributed to the medication but even when we know there are no bugs or whatever, it is REAL to them...As I mentioned before, I had a housekeeper sweep up my mom's "worms" and spray the room with lysol and that stopped it. However now she calls me every day wanting to know what she needs to cook supper and I tell her not to worry about it, we have it under control. Someone mentioned about a dog who had been dead for mom thinks her dog is under her bed all the time and it gives her a sense of peace, even though her dog is at my house and once in a while we take him to see her. People, when someone has these hallucinations, go with it sometimes, it will amaze you how fast the problem is cured or, if there are sure signs of redness or bodily harm such as scratches and sores, then I would definetly contact a dr about a medication reaction. Personally, I had a reaction to a medication where I swore I saw mice all over the place and it is a real feeling and until I got off the med, I wouldn't get out of my be more sensative to these "hallucinations"...There are so many more I am experiencing with my mom but finding out it is better to go with sometimes and be creative to stop the things she imagines has really worked. I know it is hard on you all as it is with me but trust me, your life will be more peaceful and less stressful if you try to just go with it to help and/or if it doesn't help, contact dr....thank you for reading this
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Hi trueheartsme - good to read your examples, I like the dog one. I'm not sure what you are thinking others said, for most of us said go with it, be caring and also that it could be related to some meds. I don't think anyone said dismiss it or that it wasn't important, or challenging to find ways to respond that show care, not argue against it. It doesn't hurt to also look into the meds, even while you are also showing the sensitive care that you show, as that makes it all go more smoothly for everyone.
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Thanks Castle...if I offended anyone, I apologize..I had just received and read some pretty harsh things to where it was almost offensive, like spraying raid all over someone. I know this situation is hard on all our emotions and stress levels and it is even more so to our love ones...sometimes I think if people could understand more the illnesses we are dealing with, it would be easier to help. I'm just airing out like everyone else. My mom flips her personality every other day and it is so hard sometimes to know just who she is going to be from day to day however I know it is just as stressful on her as it is for us.
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You're welcome, trueheartsme - easy to read out of context. The Raid comment came after many people had tried to contribute helpful answers, including going along with it with caring, as your examples showed. That comment just added a bit of humor in the middle of a complex set of issues and was actually funny, taken in context. This is a great website, and I find we all try to offer our experience, learning, wisdom - with kindness!
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I hear you on that Castle...this website has helped me ever since I started because like many others, I thought I was alone in this and since it is just myself and husband trying to deal with it and not really having anyone to talk to, it is hard. I appreciate everything and do not feel so alone. Is there a chatroom for this??
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