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You might want to have her evaluated by a speech therapist to rule out a swallowing problem. We were advised to give Mom a Tootsie-Pop after meals to finish up the swallowing process. The therapist said to use only this brand because the others come off the stick. Also, I have to remind Mom to suck on it rather than chew which would be hard on her 90-year-old teeth (the rest of her is 96). Good luck.
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I've had the same problem and have noticed it with many other seniors with dementia, at the nursing homes, and others. They don't realize it. Does she wear dentures? If so, then remind her that after she eats she needs to rinse off her dentures and rinse out her mouth for maintenance of healthy gums. If she doesn't wear dentures , explain to her that leaving any food in her mouth after eating hurts her gums and breath, you want her to stay healthy, so please rinse out her mouth with plain water after she is done eating. Explaining with compassion but full honesty is important. Things that are tougher will come along and it is important to gently make it clear now.
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My mother has been doing somewhat of the same. For her, its about swallowing... she's been chewing her pills vs swallowing. I've tried mixing... didn't work. What has been working is a designated place to eat, not just her TV tray.... simple things with dementia patients are not as simple for us.
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