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Have you considered getting an iPad with a few apps like casino games. I’m planning on doing this, my LO has gambled as a pastime his whole life but no addiction and never to a financial burden of finances. He may lose the ability to take the bus to Harry’s in Reno or Tahoe and I’m positive he will miss his favorite hobby. I am going to see if an iPad or tablet of some kind will help... just a thought
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Isthisrealyreal Sep 2019
I would make sure that the ipad has no access to online gambling. I understand that can be financially devastating because it is not real money, until you have to pay. But that is a good idea.
NHWM: I wouldn't use the adjective, "funny." Fortunate, yes. But oftentimes, the wealthy become property poor.
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csoward is your Mom competent and of sound mind? My Mother is 95 years old and I spoke to an elder lawyer. He told me that if my mother is competent and of sound mind then just because someone makes bad choices (gambling) doesn't deem them incompetent. She's not incompetent. She is very competent. She lives alone, pays her bills, cooks in the microwave, takes call a bus to the grocery store, goes up and down 13 stairs to her 2nd floor bedroom. I am saying all of this because I have been there with my mother. She has gambled away hundreds of thousands of dollars since 1992. My Father took her name off all her accounts and put everything in his name. She didn't have access to anything. She always found a way. Used his credit card to access money. Came to my house to borrow 20.00. Told me she needed gas money to get home and then told me later she gambled the money on the way home and put 1.00 in the gas tank. Unless they want help, There is not a damn thing you can do about it. Don't give her anymore money. Let her worry about it. If she's not competetent then find a facility to put her in. This is pure hell. I'm still going through it. She is 95 years old. She takes call a bus to the grocery store to buy scratch off tickets!!! She always loses. She's a hoarder;. The house is a mess. I don't live with her. I check on her a couple times a week. She is mean and nasty to me. 2 weeks ago I told her that if she let me wash her hair and bathe her I would take her to the casino. She hadn't bathed or washed her hair since the last time she let me do it which was in May. She lit up like a christmas tree. All smiles. So happy to go to the casino. She let me bathe her and wash her hair. When the day came to take her to the casino she said she was going to stay home and watch a football game. I was shocked. But my son took her this past Saturday to the casino, and she told him to pick her up on Sunday afternoon. So he did. The security guard there said she can't be left alone because she needs help to get to the bathroom. She walks very very slow even with a cane. But like i said. It won't stop her. She will just take call a bus to the grocery store and sit there on her mobilized cart and gamble away for hours on end. Don't do it!! Don't give her any money!!! Ive been there!! I feel for you!!! Its horrible!!!
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