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Bablou, of whom was it said? Elinor and Marianne's mother's brother? As I recall he was the only one who was a milktoast and said little of value. Couldn't have been of Brandon or Edward, or even Willoughby.

BTW, has anyone read the contemporary novel, The Three Weissmanns of Westport, roughly paralleling the plots of the original Sense and Sensibility?
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Years ago worked with a woman who had a sort of genius for this - it was not deliberate on her part, but I'll never forget one Thursday afternoon - a squad of FBI agents, a herd of company attorneys, civil and criminal, were lined up in front of my boss's desk, (we all worked in a sort of open office) and as his secretary, she carefully served him his afternoon tea and biscuits. "Now HY we all have good days and bad days, but remember there is always a silver lining to every cloud!" YES, this really happened. The federal prosecutors got their convictions but it was a real Gilbert and Sullivan performance. Years later, outside a federal courtroom, one FBI agent told me "Well you did try to explain to us about them, but it took us a while."
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