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It's good you are examining things in advance. An informed decision is very important. I think lots of times that family members automatically accept an option without realizing all the information and the reality of it. I'm not sure if those who suggest it include that it's really aimed at those who need nourishment in order to recover from an injury or illness. Studies have been done to see if that it's effective in patients with severe dementia.

Does your mother have an Advanced Medical Directive? Has she ever talked about her feelings on this? Sometimes, that helps in sorting things out.

I would read as much as possible about the studies, reports, opinions from professional organizations, etc. on dementia patients and tube feeding. I was surprised at what I found. It wasn't what I expected. I would ask the medical professionals you are dealing with if they can tell you how much longer your mother would survive with tube feeding and what the risks are. (If she pulls on the tube, how does physical restraint work and would you be comfortable with that?) And compare that with your research.

The Alzheimers Association has an opinion based on their research. I'm sending you that link by PM.
Helpful Answer (7)
cetude Sep 2018
You should post the link on here so we all can see it.
I truly understand your stress and heartache over this decision! My mother was in an Assisted Living home in Florida . She has had Dementia for many years and was recently put on Final Stage Hospice Dementia Care, I have learned a lot from the Hospice Nurses as they work with and are trained to work with Dementia and Alzheimer people. They explained that anger or withdrawing can be signs of pain that they cant communicate and withdraw because they give up on trying. The Assisted Living home called me and said she was not eating - she would "throw" her food on the floor. They said they could no longer care for her and we would have to move her to a nursing home within the week. I live in South Dakota,,,I flew there to get her, with the stress of not knowing how the move would effect her. When I got there she was in soiled pants and sitting on her couch alone with a plate of food next to her. She was trying to eat it with her hands but got frustrated not being able to put the food in her mouth . The food had fallen from her hand to the floor. She was showing signs of depression, and had withdrawn. I packed her things and flew her on an airplane ( that was an experience lol) and put her in a nursing home close to me. This all just happened in the last week and a half. As soon as we arrived at the nursing home she smiled and said " they are so gentle and nice" Made me think they were mean to her where she was and it broke my heart. Within the first 24 hours, she was smiling, and eating a lot because someone was sitting with her and helping her eat. I know they cant make new friends but they still like being around people! I was always told that moving someone with Dementia was bad for them but sometimes I think if they are moved somewhere that they feel safe and cared about, it is a good decision. Maybe she is pocketing her food to try to eat it later. She might need someone to help her eat at her own pace or maybe it hurts for her to chew and needs soft food. I think they are wanting her on a feeding tube because they don't want to be bothered to deal with her. I would move her asap. They cant communicate to explain what is wrong but if they get withdrawn there is a reason. We have to be patient with them and try things and see what works. I know sometimes it's hard, I just take a minute and think of a good memory of when she took care of me when I was little, the hugs and love I felt from her, then I hug her tell her I love her and start again where we left off or I go home for the day and regroup and go back the next day. We have to take care of ourselves to take care of them and make our time we spend with them good time not stressful time. Let me know how it goes and if you need to vent let me know!!!! lol
Helpful Answer (9)

Please keep in mind that there are different types of feeding tubes -- a nasogastric (NG) tube vs. a PEG tube. NG tube enables constant feeding from a bag that is hung (much like an IV bag). This tube can be placed (and removed) by a registered nurse. It is inserted through the nostril and runs down the esophagus to the stomach. This procedure is not fun (usually induces gagging as the tube is going in or being pulled out) but generally is well tolerated. Often used for people who have been diagnosed with swallowing difficulties as a temporary measure while they undergo therapy to improve their swallowing abilities.

A PEG tube is placed by a surgeon through the abdominal wall directly into the stomach and allows periodic feeding by "pushing" the food (a pre=mixed liquified formula) through the tube with a syringe. Receiving food this way can be painful for the patient. This is a permanent solution for patients who can not get adequate nutrition by mouth.

One of my grandmothers had an NG tube while she underwent P/T for swallowing difficulties. The tube was removed when her swallowing improved following therapy. This grandmother did not have dementia.

My other grandmother had Alzheimer's and had a PEG tube inserted in the hope that getting proper nutrition would improve her mental status. It didn't help her mental status, though she was tube fed for several months (possibly a year or so.) Her kids had to make the decision to discontinue tube feeding. At that point they moved her from NH to the home of one of her sons, where she died about a week later.

You need to know what kind of a feeding tube the facility is suggesting and WHY. I would also seriously consider your statement that she "has no quality of life" -- do you really want to prolong that?

Also you state that you "may have a few months left before making this decision" -- I'd advise you to focus on your present situation, enjoy spending time with her while she is still very aware of the people around her, do your research into the "what" and "why" of the feeding tube suggestion, but don't worry about it until you MUST decide. Lots of things can happen while an elderly loved one finishes out life's journey, and you may be spending your energy worrying about a situation that won't actually materialize.
Helpful Answer (6)
shad250 Sep 2018
Probably PEG tube. Easier for facility to deal with.
Has she had a swallow test done at the hospital, called a video fluoroscopy? This is done to see exactly what she can do with food. My mother did have a feeding tube following a stroke, put in when there was much hope of recovery. She could eat some by mouth for a while, then it went to puréed foods only, then after some trouble we had the swallow test done and she had no more food by mouth ever. When it became clear she was dying the feeding was discontinued altogether and she only was given water until she passed away. If there had been dementia or some question of her not tolerating the tube we most likely wouldn’t have done it at all. But I’d have the test done to help make a final decision. Blessings as you walk this road, it’s not easy I know
Helpful Answer (5)

Here is my (long winded) experience when a doctor recommended a feeding tube for mom. Mom had just had a bowel resection after diverticulitis rupture. She already had mild dementia and the surgury magnified this tremendously, and she was pulling out her IVs daily. She was also now very weak and it was a huge struggle to get her to eat, which she needed to do to help her huge insision heal. I was there day and night trying to feed her, and we were making a little progress but very slowly. The doctor who did the surgery wanted to insert a feeding tube since progress wasn’t happening fast enough. I thought about it for a day then agreed and she was to have the procedure the following morning. When we got her down to the operating room the next morning, a different gastro doctor stopped me right before she went into the operating room with one question “Does your Mom pull out her IV? If so this could be a death sentence for her. If she pulls this out her body cavity will fill with the food. She will have to wear a huge tight girdle for months that she can’t get free to keep her from pulling it out. If it was my Mom I wouldn’t do it.” He asked to see her food intake chart and told me, “She’s doing good! You’ve got this!” At that point Mom told me “I’m hungry” which I hadn’t heard in 3 weeks, and I cancelled the tube and back to her room we went. The next day they discharged her to rehab where she ate a tuna sandwich upon arrival. I cried.

My point is if your Mom already has dementia, and she is prone to picking or removing scabs, bandaids, IVs etc, make sure her doctor knows this habit. I would try alternative food preparations like ground, puréed, etc before this last ditch effort. If her assisted living does not help to feed residents with meals, she may need to move to NH, where they have aids that actually feed residents that can’t manage it anymore. At Moms NH many people have one-on-one help at mealtime.
Helpful Answer (8)

I am a speech language pathologist that worked in nursing homes for decades.
Feeding tubes get recommended by professionals because it is their responsibility to help prevent a person from aspirating or being malnourished or dehydrated. Or at least letting family know options. Nursing and physicians and social workers in nursing homes should discuss all this with the family.

Feeding tubes are life-saving for someone to keep them alive while they recover from an accident or a stroke.
If you have the DPOA you make the choice based on what your loved one expressed or wrote in their living will.
You do not have to agree to the recommendations for a feeding tube.
You do not even have to agree to a change in diet texture or thickened liquids. Some things are for comfort measures-each family has to decide what is right for them and their loved one.
I personally would not agree to a feeding tube for myself or a loved one if they had dementia and were no longer eating. I would consider that a sign that their body and brain are shutting down. I would agree to a modified diet and thickened liquids if it is easier and more comfortable for the patient to eat.
Helpful Answer (15)

I'm surprised they don't have her on a soft food or liquid diet to start off with before suggesting a feeding tube.A feeding tube can be tricky and cause infection.Maybe try a liquid diet first. Ensure,Soups ,mashed potatoes,purees are good ,safe choices. If she has trouble swallowing she may need her fluids thickened. In the end stages they have decreased appetite and do not eat much and I constant have to offer fluids creatively or it doesn't get in. I would try whatever possible before the feeding tube. I knowany will judge me for saying this but there are stages and a natural process as someone reaches their last days. You mentioned she has no quality of life.If she can still swallow try the liquids..if she refuses or doesn't want to eat this could be her way of saying she had enough.Its still her life.You can only try to encourage her but a feeding tube is forcing someone to be fed and kept alive when their body is showing that it's time to let go.Sorry,I know that's blunt.
Helpful Answer (6)

ALs are not equipped for this kind of care. How old is Mom? Please don't consider a feeding tube. My RN daughter has explained that the medical field will allow nature to take its course but once a feeding tube is inserted, it cannot always be removed. When a person is dying the body shuts down. Feeding them does nothing. There bodies don't absorb nutrition any more. Their mind does not tell them they are hungry or thirsty. I like the previous suggestions.
Helpful Answer (10)

She needs to be seen by a speech and language pathologist to evaluate why she is having trouble eating, she may do fine with moist minced or pureed foods or as Ahmijoy said she could have other oral problems that are contributing to this. I realize that this AL has been her home and a move would be difficult but I question whether she is getting an appropriate level of care in this AL facility, and I also question the nuclear recommendation of a feeding tube when they haven't even moved her to a modified diet (or I assume not since you mention chewing). Please do some reading (on this forum and on the web) about feeding tubes in dementia before you have to make this choice.
Helpful Answer (7)

Is it possible that she may have a bad tooth or a gum infection? Pocketing food is a common behavior in those with dementia. But refusing to chew may be an indicator that she’s got mouth pain.

They told me that they would put a feeding tube in my mother too. I explained this to her when she was lucid for a moment and she understood. It helped for a while, but eventually she had to be on a puréed diet.

Have you considered Hospice? If you have not had a Care Conference in a while, it may be time to call one.
Helpful Answer (4)

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