Our 92 year old mother has lost quite a bit of weight and as a result her lower dentures no longer fit well and cause canker sores. She got theses many years ago over existing teeth. She has a discounted dental plan but when I called a local dr. On the plan they said she would need to have her existing teeth extracted. At 92 we really do not want to put her thru this. Anyone have any experience with this type situation?
Recently Mom broke a tooth that would hold her top denture and there was no way of fixing that tooth. The dentist said she will now need to start using denture adhesive to keep the top plate in.... lot of trial and error on that.
If we could get into a time machine, my parents wished they would have spent the money to have new teeth implanted into the gums... but my parents didn't want to part with a dime, even thought they could have afforded the new teeth... [sigh].... too late now.
I learned about this at a local senior center health expo held annually.
They don't do extractions or anything beyond the basics, but Windy's plan is the same as that of my father's dentist, so the basics could be covered.
There may also be a dental school in the area that has students performing procedures for a lower cost. It's worth checking out.
We've also recently become aware that the VA offers dental services. If your mother's husband was a Veteran, that might be something to investigate.
This may not work for your mom, just sharing the experience.