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That sure doesn't sound comfortable! But does she complain of sleeping poorly? Do her legs ache when she gets up? Is she pressing her head against the headboard? Is that sore or causing pain? I would think that if it is uncomfortable enough she would unconsciously, in her sleep, adjust her position for comfort. I guess I'm wondering if this is really a problem for her, or mainly for you. I know it would definitely bother me to see it and I can relate to trying to fix it, but I just don't know how important it is. I think I would ask them at the clinic where her dementia is being treated.

Be aware that changing the furniture around can sometimes upset those with dementia. A change in routine, such as getting into bed on a different side, can be very confusing. This doesn't always happen, but be prepared for the reaction when you push the bed up to the wall.

Let us know how this works out. We learn from each other!
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My father does this also. Is it a side effect from medication or is it muscle memory?
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Thanks FF, that is what Mom is sleeping in/on.

I think I will try putting the bed up against a wall and see what happens. I need to start spring cleaning so I'll do her room early and move the bed. I'll let you know if it works.

Great suggestions!
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Another idea, flannel sheets and flannel pj's... it's like sleeping on Velcro and not easy to even turn over in bed..... been there, done that one winter for myself to keep warm, never again :)
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Thanks for the suggestion, but Mom would either throw the pillows to the floor or place them on a chair or outside her bedroom door. She hates pillows. I "tuck" her in every night or when she is taking a nap, thinking that will keep her still, that doesn't work.
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I agree with cwillie about the pillows. That should keep Mom from moving about.

I remember having to sleep surrounded by pillows when I had broke my shoulder. In the morning, I was will within the boundaries of the pillows :)
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I wonder if you tried placing a body pillow on either side of her she would feel more secure?
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