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Dear Kady0302, please know that you are not alone in this. So many of us are -- or feel like -- the black sheep of families wherein our siblings who do little or nothing are golden, and seem stuck with that demoralizing label in our families no matter what we do. And it's truly amazing how many black sheep end up as the caretakers of those very members of the family who are golden to one another.
I think both the answers you've received so far are excellent; and really, they are saying the same thing in different ways. Jeannegibbs is the soul of good sense who expresses herself directly, and EvaLynnPearl is also giving good advice and expressing herself empathetically, but they both are telling you that excellent, appropriate help is out there, and you can change your miserable circumstances by reaching out.
Never mind the golden sister, never mind the lifetime of blacksheepness. Do the responsible thing for your mother and, at the same time, for yourself, by involving professionals.
There's a whole world out there, including the world of this blessed website, that doesn't share your family's opinion of you. Although the internet makes us relatively anonymous, it can also free us to be recognized as who we really are by people uninfluenced by our family dynamics and our pasts. I respect and admire your efforts to take care of your mother, and I will respect and admire your efforts to improve your situation as soon as possible now that you know you've hit your limit.
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I completely understand what you are going through. When I was 5 years old, my father was working for the government and he died in an airplane crash. At the same time I became seriously sick with the whooping cough. My mother spent about the next 15 years as a single mother supporting her, my brother and me.
Even though mother favored my brother throughout all this time right through my adult years, what I remember is all the hard times that she suffered taking care of all of us. All my life I have lived with and have accepted that I am the "black sheep" of our family. My favored brother has not been here to help me take care of our mother during the last of her elder years. I must say that this is a mistake that both of them have made. What I am waiting to see, when the time comes, will my brother be here to help me when God decides to take mother.
The past 2 years I have been my mother's Care Giver. Her dementia seems to be getting worse through passing time. She doesn't want to live in AL or a Nursing Home. She is presently living in an apartment for senior community living. Unless she passes away hopefully in her sleep, I know the time will come that we will have to move her to AL or a Nursing Home. We all only have "one mother". It is very hard to (detach) not abandon oneself from our mother. It sounds to me that you are in a point in your life that you need to seek urgent help/care for your mother. I highly suggest that you do this before you become seriously ill. If you don't know where to start looking for help, please get in touch with Care Giving in your area. They may suggest that you need a Care Giver come to your home 2xs per week to give you some time to yourself. From what you have said -- it sounds like your mother needs to be moved to either IL, AL or Care Home. Since I don't know your financial situation, you may need to discuss this with them also. Does your mother have any VA benefits from your father? If it is at all possible, you need to obtain all the financial statements to any money that your mother may have. Tell them everything you are experiencing with your mother and that you need help. I know you feel like a "very lost and hurt sheep". Even though He is very busy, please pray for God's help and he will show you the way. My prayers and thoughts are with you as you go through this particular journey in your life.
As it is said, "This too shall pass". I hope I have helped you. Please know that you are loved.
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First, put your mother aside. Detach. I don't mean abandon her or never help her again, but for heaven's sake, what is she doing in your home? If you don't have a life anymore, it is because you willingly gave it up. Take it back.

There is no one but you to take care of her -- really? There are no group homes, no assisted living facilities, no nursing homes? How is it your sister found someone to take care of herself?

You are doing what you chose to do. There is no law that you have to do this. No one is holding a gun to your head. You are already the black sheep. It is not like your reputation within the family depends on this.

If you don't want to do this, don't.
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