
Her doctor will not prescribe meds for her and I know I will not be able to get her to a new doctor. If she continues with this today what reply should I give her??? As some of you have read before she constantly accuses me of stealing, voodoo, even accused me of wanting her doctor to kill her. How should I deal with this situation today?

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I agree with F.F, the best thing to do would be to take her to the hospital. Although I wouldn't recommend going by ambulance. That might make things worse, if she's already anxious as is. I would tell her that she Is just going in for a couple "routine" tests, and everything is alright. Once your there, they hopefully should get her into a room pretty quickly, and they can give her meds to help calm her down.

I get accused of stealing or moving stuff around all the time. Half the time my GM doesn't even recognize her own house and thinks I kidnapped her. If she hasn't already, I would get her tested for dementia. That's one of the most common symptoms. Just talk in a calm voice, don't get frustrated. If she can't find something say "I promise I didn't take it, but here let me help you find it." Then try to find the thing she accused you of stealing. The tend to have certain spots that they will put everything. For my GM everything that went missing was either in her purse, her jewelry box, or in the freezer. Yes, the kitchen freezer. Don't know why. You just need to discover those spots, and it works wonders how quickly the stealing accusation stops with that object, if she sees it's still with her stuff.
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In regards to the accusations of stealing, voodoo, etc, etc. Welcome to the club. Both my mom and grandmom do the same. The funny thing is that my mom used to get really upset when grandmom did it. Now she does exactly the same thing. What can you do? Nothing. I just say OK and ignore it.

Why won't her doc prescribe meds? Not that the meds will help all that much. Unfortunately, there are no miracle drugs for dementia. In my experience, they just take the edge off a bit. Something though, is better than nothing.

As for getting them to take meds if you can them prescribed. My mom was incredibly hard to get meds into. For months/years she would be as likely to throw them across the the room or spit them out as take them. I was persistent. It's all about creating a habit. Same times every day. I put a little cup of meds in her hand, she pops them in her mouth and I immediate follow up with a little cup of water. It's rote learning. I'm not even sure she knows she's taking pills. It's just the routine.
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Koko, that's a tough situation. You could call 911 and tell 911 that Mom is acting strange, not normal. That is one way to get Mom to see the doctors. From what you wrote, sounds like Mom is dealing with dementia, and she knows something isn't quite right with her thinking since she mentioned the white coats.

At the hospital she will be given meds to help her calm down, which should help with the paranoia she is experiencing.

I have an associate who's wife believes all her doctors are trying to poison her. So, of course, she will refuse any types of prescription medicine. All the stress that is being placed on him. They are both in their late 70's.
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