My mom is in a nursing home on hospice. I have left strict instructions that I an to be notified if any meds different from her normal pills are given or if she falls, or is having any agitated or anxiety issues. I am at the home everyday for 3-4 hours. Usually in the morning. For the last two days she has been completely out of it. Just sleeping. Very hard to wake up. I discovered 2 nights ago the nurse gave her Tramadol at 6 pm them at 8:30 pm gave her Ativan. I was not notified about the agitation, not the meds given. I normally like the place and feel comfortable with the care she is getting. The hospice nurse was not notified either. I'm Worried that this may have gone on more than I know of. I love the day nurse but am worried about the evening nurse and what has been going on. Who should I speak to? Is it OK to get these meds this close together?
Be well, care for yourself and kiss your mom often. b
I hope the hospice people will be there to clarify what mom's meds are and when they should be given. And what the notification policy should be.
Accepting hospice means, if nothing else, that you accept that your LO is dying and that nothing curative can be done. It also means, in my mind, that you accept that treatment will be given to keep her calm. Yes, she's agitated, but we don't know why, so meds will be given.
It's a very tough place to be (I know, I'm there). Kiss her goodbye each time like it might be the last.
They will ask her if she's in pain and says 'no". But if one of us asks, she says yes.
We have opted for regular doses of pain meds, with extra if the nurses think she needs it. Also anxiety meds.
My mom is not on hospice, but is a palliative care patient. All I care about is that she not be in pain and not be agitated.
Have you had a care meeting recently? Who agreed to notify you on case of a change?
I think you need to clarify with them that you specifically want to know when the hospice meds are given
You mention your mom is on Hospice. Who is in charge of her medical care? I'm assuming it's the hospice doctor.
The first thing I would do is get a printout of all mom's ordered meds. I going to assume you will find that Tramadol and Ativan are both on there, to be given if your mom needs them for pain or agitation.
The nurse can only administer what the doctor has written a script for.
Hospice means relief from pain and agitation for your mom. Enough meds to keep her out of pain may make her out of it, and may suppress her breathing somewhat.
End of life care involves tough choices. For me, I'd rather my loved one not be in pain.