My mother has early dementia, but is high functioning. She enjoys buying and wearing nice clothes. She has always has always worn… and continues to wear…heavy makeup and tons of jewelry. She wore wigs for years until recently. She recently let her hair go gray (the color is really pretty!) Her hair is parted in the middle. She only combs the front. Her hairdresser of 18 years tried to talk her out of this “style.” My mother thinks it looks so good. Her friends have even offered to help her with her hair… trim it… style it. She refuses. She can afford to get her hair done every week, but refuses. I understand a person should wear what they want, etc… However, people stare at her in public and I think she would be mortified if she realized how pitiful she actually looks. I’m thinking about buying her a gray wig…she used to enjoy not bothering with her hair and loved the flexibility of wearing wigs. However, she has narcissistic tendencies and she might become angry. Any thoughts? I’m prepared to be attacked by a few posters! The comments from her friends and the stares in public are heartbreaking to hear/observe. She’s even been referred to as looking like a “witch.”
Ggood luck
I got a small desk and set it up in her room with a 3 sided make up mirror and a wall mirror. She loves to look at herself as she curls her hair with the curling iron and puts on her makeup.
If this were me I would hold a mirror out for her so she can see the back of her head and offer to help her fix the back.
My mom doesn't have any eyebrows anymore. She kept trying to use eyebrow pencil to draw them but the drawn on brows would always wind up on her eyelids instead of the brow. It made her look pretty scary. I offered one day to do her brows. She liked it so now it has become my job!
DH cuts it after I wash it. I comb it up and hold it in a fist at ‘pony tail’ level, and then he just cuts the ends off, usually just one cut with a pair of scissors. This means that all the hair still fits in my clip, and it’s graded at the bottom if I do occasionally wear it long. I normally just twist it up and put a clip through it, and it’s very neat as well as attractive. Worth a thought?