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So when I left tonight, after I gave my mom an ice pop, I said love you and she replied in a deep "pouty" voice love you. Tomorrow I'm taking her for her nails and she'll be happy and not care about anything. You know in Florida my Dad dropped her off for her nails and hair - walker and all even brought her dog - no problem at all! So why all the pouting??? Anyway, I'm going to stand my ground and thank you once again!
Helpful Answer (0)
PeggySue2020 Sep 3, 2024
This situation won’t realistically change while you’re running to moms with popsicles, running up there to get mom to walk her dog with you, and being wholly focused on mom’s approval.
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Romeo, you are getting such good advice here. Advice from waytomisery and hopefull for help , they really nailed it, for my life also.

My mom's being very passive aggressive the last week or 2. Actually today it's started to bug me a little.

So what there saying I needed to hear too.

I have been feeling very strong emotionally very up, for a month or more, today a little melancholy . So I'm just letting you know, if you do what we are helping you though, you will have an occasional off day, not to be surprised.

It's a bit of a rollercoaster. Just keep moving forward.
Helpful Answer (3)
Romeo13 Sep 3, 2024
Ok! I'm happy, but not happy we and most posters are in the same boat! I just posted about not helping them out with dinner - I'm actually proud of myself. When they were in Florida - my Dad drove to the supermarket everyday and he said he wants to drive here, but I don't want him driving our cars. They were fine in Florida, but since we're here, I felt sorry for them and there you go! Thank you again!
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I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s absolutely ridiculous to walk on eggshells around a parent who professes to “ live ( independently) in their home” .

Years ago I was raised that what that meant was that I had to prop them up . I was raised to be my parents caregiver .

Now I believe that the elderly person has to accept that whether they live at home or in a facility that their life is changing due to age .

Don’t be afraid to say “ No” . We aren’t required to keep up their lifestyle the way they want it . I was told by my mom that I had to keep her “ routine “ the same. My FIL told us that we had to keep up his “ independent lifestyle “. Nope , nope , nope , we refused to take him on cruises that he wanted . That would not have been a vacation for us . He also demanded we take him to a fancy restaurant every weekend and requested my adult children come as well .

If You help them , they accept the help you are willing or able to do . If they don’t like it , that’s too bad , they either hire someone or they go live in assisted living . The parent receiving help does not call the shots because they are not independent , they are dependent .
Helpful Answer (7)
Romeo13 Sep 3, 2024
I just went upstairs to tell them about something and I helped my Dad pick something to eat and didn't offer to prepare it, didn't set the table and just said I'll see you later with my husband - only because he hasn't seen them since my Dad was released from the hospital - but it's on our terms, not theirs. I think I'm starting to set the tone and if she doesn't like it - too bad! Thank you!
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"She made a face and asked me why and I said I'll be back later and she said you don't have to - stay down there (angrily)"
That is the same passive/aggressive response I used to get from my aunt. Fine. I stayed where I belonged. In my own home.
Helpful Answer (6)
Romeo13 Sep 3, 2024
I'm starting to feel stronger - thanks to all of my friends here!
How much time do you spend with your girlfriends?
Having coffee, going for lunch, shopping.
How much time you and husband spend with other couples?
Helpful Answer (5)
Romeo13 Sep 3, 2024
Zero - I hate to say this - we hang out just with each other - may be weird, but we moved and weren't able to cultivate friendships due to certain circumstances. My brother was a HUGE problem and now we just stay to ourselves, especially that we have our health issues for the past 5 years. We really enjoy one another's company. We really couldn't concentrate on friendships - a lot of stuff going on!
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Romeo, I will tell you the comment my cousin made when told that her mom had finally passed from complications of dementia. "This is the worst best news I've ever heard." And her mom was never a problem.

Keep it in mind for when your Mom the Terror passes. It may give you comfort. OMG, I can't believe what you've been through with these two. Good luck going forward.

PS - Don't ASK if you can sign them up for food delivery from Walmart and Amazon. Just do it using their credit card. The food arrives at their door and they freak out. And you say nothing because you did your duty and sent the dang food. You don't even answer the phone. They can pull the limbs off that cute lil Walmart rotisserie chicken just fine by themselves.
Helpful Answer (3)
Romeo13 Sep 3, 2024
I'm going to try that - thanks!
I don’t have time to read all of this; it’s a beautiful day and I need to get outside into the garden so I won’t be feeding my husbands ‘needs’ all day : )
Could you make mom a weekly calendar of when you plan to drop in?
For instance: Mon. and Thurs., sometime between 11 and 2
Sun., 6pm every other week for dinner

The less detailed, the better. Then stick to it.
Do it on a white board so it can be easily changed and take a picture of it with your phone so you can remember what you committed to since you won’t be in there very often to see it!
Helpful Answer (2)
Romeo13 Sep 3, 2024
Yes, I also have to stop wondering what she is thinking about me right now, but I asked her if she would like to get out and take the dogs to the park - she said - no. Ok, I told her I'll see you later. Good answer? I'm 64 and need approval - this is crazy!
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Romeo, I also want to say, once you start to gain your freedom, I'm actually not sure how to put this . So I'll tell you how I feel

I'm really gaining my freedom, brothers are doing a most right now, I'm not being sent on all these needless errands anymore. A tomato from this farm stand, and then corn from a different one.

Anyways I'm starting to feel a bit lost, like what do I do with myself kind of feeling, moms being rather grumpy to me the last week. A few weeks ago she was love bombing me. It also feels odd to not feel needed. I'm also feeling a bit angry at myself for putting up with as much as I did put up with though the years.

Just want you to know these are normal feelings, so don't run back to mom the minute they come out.
Helpful Answer (4)
Romeo13 Sep 3, 2024
My mom thanked me just now for something. Like you said, that's today!
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You've heard of the 'separation anxiety' development stage that infants go through?

I feel adults reach an age, become elders, cycle backwards & hit that stage again.

They want you. Only you. Their real needs, their perceived needs, their anxiety, their wishes will EAT UP YOUR life.

Until you make changes.
Helpful Answer (9)
Anxietynacy Sep 3, 2024
Beatty, That is a really great way to put it. it's kind of what I was saying about shadowing being a sign of dementia.

I think many many older people go through this with or without dementia.
Romeo, most or all of your problem is your reluctance to acknowledge how much you prioritize mom and dads feelings over your husbands physical needs. You’re beyond the point of the “what if I die” whining to get you to cook, eat, shop and clean for them.

Remission at this point is not guaranteed. And he has a benign brain tumor. Now there may be prostate cancer.

There is a nonzero possibility that you may be bidding him goodbye. You may yourself need an aide for some of this, but until you do, spend maximum moments with him watching birds on the deck, or taking in a home movie, etc. with the goal of getting him well enough so that you two do go out to that dinner or onto a cruise. Their death at 96 and 93 is somewhat inevitable whereas a death at 65 is that much more tragic. Especially for you.
Helpful Answer (6)
Romeo13 Sep 3, 2024
Thanks PeggySue - I know - in fact, I have lung nodules that doctors are watching that it's not going to be metastatic breast cancer. We were dealt a really bad hand, like a lot of people and children in life. My parents lived a nice life even though I know they have a lot of sadness by not having their abusive son in their lives -but they should be lucky that they reached their 90's TOGETHER! Last night I went up to check on them and then left earlier than usual. I'm taking baby steps to get them used to the idea of less time together. My mom said come up and read me a letter I was discussing over the phone with her and I replied - I can't - I'm straightening up and going to give Romeo a good run in the park and won't be up until much later. I'm not worried - she's sunning herself in the open window - she loves to do that, so you see?? She's doing what she wants to do. I woke up this morning and for some reason didn't even think about them because I met all of their needs yesterday. The only thing is I was having hearing hallucinations thinking my phone was ringing. I think I can start handling this - because if they were in Florida, I wouldn't be seeing them for 2 months at a time.
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Tell your parents that they need to go to assisted living . This is ridiculous . If they say “ No”……
Call APS .

Your mother isn’t going to change . She’s an uncooperative , needy person who expects to be waited on .
Helpful Answer (3)
Romeo13 Sep 2, 2024
Just wanted to say thank you and I love that pussycat!
I want everyone to know I just told my mom give me a shopping list over the phone and she screamed - come up for it! I told her I'm not going up - give it to me over the phone. She yelled at me saying then don't come up and she hung up on me. What is her problem??? For heavens sake - I was in the middle of doing my husband's bed linens and I'm not taking that crap anymore! I told my Dad this and he is more understanding about things - he just takes Mom's crap now. He gave me the list over the phone.
Helpful Answer (3)
cwillie Sep 2, 2024
That's a good first step. Next step is to not answer the phone if it's inconvenient.
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Should your husband be doing anything for Dad? I am sorry Romeo but give your DH a break and place your parents in a nice AL on their dime. You get "in home" in to help your Dad with this contraption. You can get an order thru Dads doctor.
Helpful Answer (2)
Romeo13 Sep 2, 2024
There will be aids coming this week - my husband is teaching my mom how to do it right now. Thank you!
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Guess what everyone? Mom called to tell my husband who was sleeping that the door will be open and he can just walk in to help Dad with that contraption he got for his kidney stones. My husband said he'll do it at 10 am - he can wait. My husband is feeding himself through his G tube right now. I don't want to sound harsh, but my Dad reached 96 with cancer etc. - my 65 year old husband, which I didn't mention, besides just finishing up with tonsil cancer may have prostate cancer (waiting for the biopsy) and definitely has a benign brain tumor to deal with, so my Dad is just going to have to wait. I can imagine what my mom is saying about us. So glad he stood his ground! I don't mind helping like I said - I don't like demands placed on me with angry faces and sarcasm - making it sound like I haven't lifted a finger in 40 years. I'm tired of saying - Ok, I'll do it because I don't want her to hold a tantrum and I don't want to "hurt" her feelings.

You are all right - I made a HUGE mistake!
Helpful Answer (4)
Anxietynacy Sep 2, 2024
We all make mistakes, Romeo. First step they say to healing is admitting it.
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W-a-a-y too much drama! The older I've gotten, the less drama I need in my life. I'm about 5-1/2 years younger than your mom, and I cannot imagine such a soap opera existence.
Helpful Answer (7)

Romeo, given that your husband is chemotherapy, please focus your energy on him and what he wants and needs during this time. My mil was hospitalized 12 times for not just chemo but the side effects. When you’re on chemo, you feel like death. You also know that death is, for the duration, holding your hand.

If you need to run it by his oncologist to have a medical opinion on it, please do so. I’m sure the doctor would agree.

Offer to sign your parents up for DoorDash, Uber and Amazon. Offer to vet weekly housekeepers who can tidy up. Leave your dad with a list of agencies and their prices. It is dad’s right to refuse as he is competent.

Your husband needs you with him more than your parents do at this time.
Helpful Answer (3)
Romeo13 Sep 1, 2024
Thank you PeggySue - My husband is in recovery from the radiation treatment and chemo. He still has the feeding tube. I am here for him now and taking care of him and taking care of Romeo the Papillon, who everyone knows him as a puppy. I had chemotherapy for my breast cancer and a double mastectomy with no reconstruction. I am on Endocrine therapy which has many side effects - I know how horrific this all can be. I can't believe that after my breast cancer just 5 years ago, my husband had Tonsil Cancer. My parents reached their 90's together which is wonderful. It's not all bad, but recently all of my mom's traits that I never liked are coming out worse. Thank you for your concern. I
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Learn the word “ No “ .

Mom can’t force you to stay with her .

Back off , let them fend for themselves . They should either hire help or go to assisted living .

“ Stop helping them “ , was the most wise thing ever said to me from a social worker.”

Again , Back off , your parents will have to accept help in other ways , either by them paying for a helper to come to the house or they go to assisted living .
Helpful Answer (5)

Another rant is that I have been trying to help them straighten out a few things with their doctors etc. and teach them how to use the TV etc. and my mom said that nor wonder your husband gets annoyed with you. Gee, thanks mom - even though I may sound authoritative at times, after all that I have done for you - that's what you say? I actually never said that, but I am on the verge.
Helpful Answer (0)
Geaton777 Sep 2, 2024
Romeo13, if your parents are in their 90s it is entirely possible that their filters are now breaking due to cognitive decline. They will say all sorts of painful things that they would not have 10 years ago (and that they don't really mean as this is what dementia does to the brain). My Mom is 95 and, although a "prickly" person most of her life, has reached a new level of prickliness. She lives next door to me so every day I have to remind myself that it's her onset of dementia talking at me. You have so much going on in your lives -- I wish you and your husband better health, much wisdom and total peace in your hearts as you move forward. Blessings to you!
My aunt, uncle, cousin and maternal grandmother lived next door to us for 30 years. I thought my parents would be similar where my grandmother visited only at night for an hour, not ALL day and ALL night. My mom is not my grandmother. My grandmother was not needy. It amazes me how an independent woman, living many days alone while her husband was away, ran businesses could change into this needy person when she was around 50 something years old. How can that happen?
Helpful Answer (0)
PeggySue2020 Sep 2, 2024
Your mom is simply a different person than your grandma. Like I said, your mother wasn’t raised to behave this way, not by grandma and not even by mainstream standards at the time.
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Alva - I know we have corresponded before - I don't enjoy this. I try and joke about it with my mom because I know she is not well and I try to help her with her mental issues, which I know she has. It's not funny and I don't enjoy bickering. I have PTSD from my abusive brother and went with my parents to help them move him 7 times. I don't think any of this is pleasurable. I'm here for support, not for kicks. Someone last time on this forum accused me of wanting to get "kicks" out of posting - I don't think so!
Helpful Answer (1)

Ok - so I just got back into my place and fixed their dinner, cleaned up and now with hubby and baby Romeo - but we are going up later to hang out a little and help them with my Dad's new contraption for the kidney stone to be melted. He did say I can never compare myself to your husband and my mom agreed. The other thing I wanted to tell you guys is that my mom always said I don't know anyone in the world who has the relationship like Dad and me - very, very close, and who had the best honeymoon and who had the best life etc. I once answered that and said - why, my husband and I are very, very close to one another and we had a blast on our honeymoon and we traveled like you, and we also have a blast together - what is her problem??? Oh come on Mom - stop the nonsense - you're not the only couple who is so so close to one another and in the meantime she tells me Dad is so miserable and says your husband isn't like him. There are other people that enjoy their lives no matter how boring they may be and they enjoy it together as a loving couple!
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AlvaDeer Sep 1, 2024
Sounds to me as though you truly ENJOY this constant ongoing bicker. Thinking I will leave you to it and wish you much joy of it.
Remember, it takes two. You own 50% of this whole dance.
You can’t control your mother’s bad behavior. You can only control your own. M says when you walk out “I said I'll be back later and she said you don't have to - stay down there”. Your answer to this is ‘thank you, I will’ as you walk out. What's so hard about that?
Helpful Answer (2)
Romeo13 Sep 1, 2024
My mother would kill me - years ago in a department store I was a little fresh with her and she punched me in my back right at the makeup counter. We laugh about it, but honey she was serious! We are of Italian heritage and supposedly we are supposed to be family oriented - that is the most ridiculous fabricated BS around!
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Romeo, you can also private message anyone you wish to if you wanted to talk to any of us personally.
Helpful Answer (1)
Romeo13 Sep 1, 2024
Thank you!
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Tell your Mom your husband's doctor has lectured you that hubby needs you now 100% until he gets through his cancer. So you won't be bringing them dinners, cleaning up their place and waiting on them, until hubby's doctor says you can.

Then give her some numbers for a HIRED caregiver for your Mom 3 days a week. That SHE PAYS FOR. Otherwise, she orders groceries delivered by WalMart, and starts using Amazon for everything else. If one of them needs a ride, call UBER.
Or they can go into Assisted Living, if they can't handle living independently.

Keep telling your Mom it's "DOCTOR'S ORDERS. Sorry, gotta go!" If she starts on the phone, say "Sorry, I have his doctor calling---gotta go!" CLICK.

I cannot believe you actually moved them into your SAME bldg. That was the worst thing you could have done. You need serious counseling to snap yourself out of being so manipulated by your Mom. She isn't neglecting her husband, is she? I am sad to hear this situation.
Helpful Answer (3)
Romeo13 Sep 1, 2024
Dawn - I really should have kept my mouth shut! They were going into an assisted living facility right down the street and my heart felt bad that they would be living in a very small apartment and thought they weren't ready for it. My Dad called EMS the other day and was hospitalized for a kidney stone. The AL would have taken care of everything, and taken care of my mom and her dog and now we are. How stupid am I! They are ready for it because my Dad crossed into three lanes of traffic in Florida with cars bearing down on us and I was SCREAMING and had to tell him to go ahead and he yelled at me saying - they were going to stop for me. I was really stupid! My husband also co-signed for their lease and now we're stuck - all because we don't want them to be upset.
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If I don't individually "thank you" for your replies, please forgive me! I want you all to know, it's not that I mind helping my parents or anyone, I want to start making it on MY terms. I'm sick and tired of it being one-sided. My mother can be the most loving, giving understanding person - but then - what happens to her???? I used to enjoy sitting in the kitchen and helping serve her guests and then cleaning up. I love being "domestic" and we all are great cooks - we do laugh and also argue, and we are all human, and we enjoy one another's company, but what is wrong with my mom????
Helpful Answer (0)
Anxietynacy Sep 1, 2024
From what I see is your mom's old, scared, probably some dementia going on, pain and anxiety.

I understand what your saying, After my dad died, I started taking mom on every errand I had to go on. To get her out of the house, she lives one town over from me. I enjoyed are trips to Michael's, Kohl's, drugstore, ECT.... But after 3 years of this I wanted my own life, I wanted to walk into a store by myself, and not to get something for mom. Not only was I not doing that, but I was also feeling, no appreciation, and just got do do do, more more more.

But I honestly did enjoy a lot of my trips out with her.

I think this is what your feeling??
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Your mom is not going to change. Only you can. Theres not going to be a way to handle this that pleases mom, so just say at the end of your dinner today that next week, you and dh will be going out for a couple’s dinner instead. When she acts up, just leave saying “of course we’re a married couple who needs alone time” as if it’s the most normal thing in the world.

All Senior Brats cry and whine to get their way. They’re never happy even when they get their way! The only thing they understand is action. So speaking of which, arrange to spend time away regularly on vacation when you can. Give your dad a list of agencies he can call to arrange home help if he chooses to. I would tell them that I will be in a place with cell reception to call you each day at 6 pm. Thats it, that’s the new rule.

You two have a retirement to live, and a limited amount of time to live it. Your first priority is your dh undergoing chemo. My MIL had two rounds and needed round the clock tending to with every single adl at points in time. The physical cost is substantive, let alone the emotional cost. If anyone needs to be entitled to your time, it’s him. He’s the sick one.
Helpful Answer (1)

I know I'm going to hear it - I didn't mention that my husband is picking my Dad up from the hospital where he was being treated for a kidney stone. They did say are you sure your husband feels ok to do it. I left my Mom upstairs in her apartment for a few hours and boy am I going to hear it or my Dad is. So, I shouldn't care - right? Look at me, I have to ask this question at 64 years old.
PS - My Mom moved and left her own mother for 4 years while we lived in a foreign country. She loved her mother, but she did what she wanted to do and now and then I can't do what I want to. Another thing is - she would NEVER leave her husband. I know that for a fact!
Helpful Answer (2)
lealonnie1 Sep 1, 2024
"Most adults are still living for the approval of their parents. Trying to get the love they didn't get as children. Living life for someone else leads to one path: regret. The most important skill to develop as an adult is the ability to disappoint."
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Hi Romeo - wow, it's plain selfish of your mother...I've come to just really think it's a selfish generation - how many of these elderly parents that just suck the life out of their children without blinking an eye. They want all of their needs met without ever seeing, or even thinking about the losses caused to their own children.

You already said that you've sacrificed a lot for your parents previously ...and you described a really interesting and fulfilling life that they've led. You need to grow more of a backbone now! You're spending way too much time dissecting how and why they're acting now as they are ...and start backing out of all of the time that you're spending there. Change it up - NOW!

They can go to senior day care to meet other people...they can hire a part-time caregiver if your mother requires it....and you can fib and tell them that you're starting a new job and that's where you'll be - even if it's a job remotely from home. Whatever it takes to break this cycle.

You have your own life and they have theirs..separate it and stop being so enmeshed. I personally think it's mean for them to "guilt" you like this. You really don't need to share with them everything you're doing and everywhere you're going - try to be more private - come up with fibs/excuses so you make your life easier. So, you say that they ask why you don't include them now when you go out...well, I bet they didn't include you and your husband when they traveled Europe and Argentina prior...hmmm, that's not very fair!

Wishing you all the best ~
Helpful Answer (2)
Romeo13 Sep 1, 2024
I tried this today. I'm so scared to see her tonight. I know she expects us every weekend for dinner and I need to break this notion slowly. Thank you!
Whether your mom "gets upset" is not something you can control. She is "needy" because it is a manipulation tactic that has been successful for her.

What you can control is how you react to her manipulations and how you set boundaries for how much time you spend with her.

Stop explaining all the reasons you need to leave. That just gives your mother ammunition for an argument, which is probably entertaining for her, but distressing to you.

Say "it's time for me to leave" and then leave. Be calm and cool, not angry or scared. Don't wait around for the histrionics and don't take the bait of getting into an argument with her.

PS: You don't mention whether or not your mother has dementia. If she does, and the whole ordeal of your leaving is what upsets her, find a way to leave quietly when she is occupied by another activity.
Helpful Answer (3)
Romeo13 Sep 1, 2024
I think she only has a normal "forgetfulness". She was always like this and I guess her age is making it worse. Thank you!
I know it's old world mentality, but they were always such "hip and cool" people.
I'm talking about these people went to Argentina and Europe for 3 months at a time in their 80's ALONE and when we want to do something alone - which I'm afraid to even tell them we want to go alone, they would and will say - how could you not include us???
They love us so much and we love them to bits, but what happened here??? That's what I'm trying to understand. Such intelligent people, lived in beautiful places, traveled, business owners, pilot, friends - they do what they want alone - and we can't??? Why the heck can't they let go of us???

PS. Another thing - my mother was always protective of us as kids - I wasn't allowed to take a train to NYC by myself when I was a teenager. I never left her home alone and cancelled dates when my Dad went away on his trips. I didn't have my own friends either because I enjoyed adult conversation better, so I was never left home - always with them.

I created this. I created the problem where I can't talk to them without saying - Oh, we were such bad parents or oh - you know everything and you're so perfect, yet they say they don't know what they would do without my husband or me and then not give us a break?
Helpful Answer (1)
funkygrandma59 Sep 1, 2024
Do you not realize that if your parents TRULY loved you so much that they would not want to be a burden to you and instead would want you to live and enjoy your life?
You ask "what happened here???" and I can tell you that what has happened is that you have chosen not to grow up and live your own life, but have opted to stay under your moms rule, and now choose to make one excuse after another for your parents(mom in particular) that one minute you describe as being abusive and the next minute you "love them to bits."
It's ok to come here to vent, but I honestly don't believe you have any plans on making any changes, so for that reason I won't be commenting on this post anymore, because you've made it more than clear all the reasons you can't change or don't want to change.
So I wish you well in this dysfunctional hell that you're living in, and I hope that your marriage will survive when this is all said and done, but won't be surprised if it doesn't.
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