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Romeo13. I feel your pain. I live in my parents' basement with my own setup for sleeping work and meals.
My dad needs a lot of care (Parkinsons Disease, 70% hearing loss to name a few).
I have to go to the gym (the tension release is absolutely necessary and go to church--Jesus and the Lord sustain me so I do services and bible studies).
My mother accuses me of cutting out and says "You can just disappear downstairs" and "Okay you can go out and maybe we will see you later". It's like she's accusing me of something bad by leaving the house. They are not believers and think the gym is a vanity thing.

I tell her multiple times in the simplest terms and do not digress... "I need to do this in order to be a NORMAL person. There is no way I can help you and dad if I don't get these two things integrated daily in my life."
I reiterate this over and over, remind her she can go out as much as she wants, she can ask the caregivers to take her out (she doesn't like having caregivers in the am so grateful for them.)
Stand your ground Romeo13. You have control on how you act and react. She can't do a number on your head unless you let her.
Helpful Answer (5)
Romeo13 Sep 1, 2024
Charlemagne - thank you so much! I'm so upset I can't even think anymore. I'm so scared that I will upset them by not seeing them on the weekend. I feel for you too! Hugs!
I am sorry for giving you bits and pieces of my life - another thing is - my paternal grandmother abandoned her children when my Dad was 15 years old and he went to live with his grandmother. My parents disowned their family except for my maternal grandmother and grandfather. We once in a while saw my cousins. My brother was a disappointment to them, so I think they want to be in our lives with everything, including traveling together and living together, which we literally did in Brooklyn, NY. What's funny is they always enterained people at their homes and did everything to perfection - which was good, but bad in one way. So I started to realize they really are not happy people inside and they think my husband and I who are kind to them can fulfill their loneliness. It's so wild to comprehend because my Dad was an international commercial airline pilot - traveled the world with us, met Presidents of countries, etc., always entertained their friends, owned a restaurant and another business - go figure???Why are they then so NEEDY???
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lealonnie1 Sep 1, 2024
Because this is the Brooklyn old world mentality, that's why. And you've pandered to it for decades and now it's the norm. What happened as kids is Then. This is Now and the question is, and always has been, what do you plan to DO about separating your lives from your parents lives? The answer appears to be Nothing. You can vent all you'd like, but Action gets things done, while Complaining just keeps the problem alive and well.
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Romeo13, one thing I had noticed with my own parents is that they forget how old we are. My folks still thought I could do everything like I did when I was in my 30's and 40's, forgetting I was now a senior citizen like themselves. Even waving my Medicare card, it didn't phase them. Probably thought it was fake ID, lol.

I can still see my parent's faces when I said "no" to getting two dozen bags of mulch from a local hardware store, something I use to do for years. It was just to difficult to get the bags out of the vehicle at my age. I told Dad, call the store and have the bags delivered. Dad didn't want to pay the delivery fee. Talk about guilt, but I held my ground.
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Anxietynacy Sep 2, 2024
Freqflyer, I so agree, this is so true! They don't want to admit we are old too.

Was talking to my dil yesterday about moms horriding stuff, like me at 60 , I have my own stuff, I don't need a whole house full of more stuff.

And mom just thinks that we are all going to fight for her "stuff" like she is sitting on a gold mind, at 60 plus honestly i don't want anything.
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Hire a kid from Nextdoor to burn you four twilight zone episodes from 1959 to 1964: Long Distance Call, Kick the Can. the Masks, and Passage on the Lady Anne. If she’s whining about how people mollycoddled elders in her time, this is proof positive that this didn’t happen. Twilight Zone was the highest rated series on what was then three channels when she was in her 20s.

She knew at the time. Maybe a little immersive nostalgia therapy would wake her up.
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I know I need help - just giving you reasons why. My mom also says she wants things done NOW even as kids. We also joke with her about it, but she doesn't think it's funny. If my Dad or any of us say - Mom this can wait a little bit, don't worry it will get done - that's actually devasting for her to deal with and she'll scream at us. I have tried to have an adult conversation to discuss that sometimes she can be abrupt when she asks for us to help her and I'm talking about when she was much younger, and she can't handle criticism and if you try to dispute her about cooking or anything - beware! I know now what narcissism is. To be honest, the more I write, the more it's helping me to realize this was not normal. Sometimes when you live it, you don't realize it.
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funkygrandma59 Sep 1, 2024
When are you going to start acting like a grown adult instead of the little child that is terrified to not do what mom says?
And why do you care if your mom screams at you if you don't do something right away? Have you tried telling her that if she can't wait that she'll have to do it herself?
Why are you so afraid of this 93 year old woman who you honestly owe nothing to?
This is again so beyond disturbing on so many levels, and I honestly don't think that we on this forum can truly give you the help that you so desperately need, as you really need some deep mental health therapy.
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By the way, many of you know me as Maximus - Max.
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Anxietynacy Sep 1, 2024
Ahhh, now I remember
Romeo, your sentence where you say that you and your husband "actually felt their needs were more important , but we have sacrificed our lives for my parents" is one of the most disturbing things I've read on here in a long time.
Since when does ones parents come before a husband and marriage?
And who in their right mind would sacrifice their lives for their parents? That is beyond sick and I truly hope that you'll seek therapy to get to the bottom as to why you don't feel that your husband and marriage should come before your parents.
You have already neglected your husband, yourself, and your home for far too long now. It's time to stop the insanity.
And why you felt it a good idea to have your parents live in the same complex as you, I'll personally never understand.
Your parents have had their lives and now you and your husband deserve yours.
You say in your post below that you "do have a backbone" but I'm not picking up on that in any of your posts or replies.
In fact, I'm picking up on just the opposite. And sadly I don't see a happy ending here for anyone because of the poor choices you have made.
You are a "prisoner" of your own making, and that is the worst kind of prisoner you can be, so I do hope you're in therapy to help you figure out this hot mess you've gotten yourself into.
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I do have a backbone and that's why my mom goes crazy when I voice my opinion, even though she thinks I'm so smart. I've never wanted to hurt her for some reason - I do know the reason deep down. Maybe I'm just a kind person or maybe just stupid and maybe I ruined my life - but I know I will not regret that I didn't try to be a good daughter. What confuses me is they always say what would we do without me or my husband and they always say what a wonderful daughter I am. I guess this goes way back and I will post that when I have time, but I'll give you food for thought - my Mom when we were growing up was compulsive about cleaning, etc. and mildly strict raising my brother and I. One example, when we were visiting my Aunt who offered me a glass of water - my mom answered for me NO she doesn't want one. My Aunt actually said she can answer herself - like I said, I was 17. She also told me to be careful to not get pregnant when I got married because raising children is so difficult and my husband was stubborn. I told her my husband and I are debating whether or not to have children because my brother was physically and mentally abusive to us and we were debating whether or not we wanted to take a chance in raising a child like this. The problem is, I can't believe I was considering HER advice and I actually leaned towards no because of her - I didn't want to upset her if I chose to have kids - so I didn't. This is really hard for me to discuss this, but I just needed to get this out. I always resented all of this! I definitely need help, but I always say I can handle this.

Please don't get upset at one another on this forum! I do appreciate your advice and kindness!
Helpful Answer (1)
Anxietynacy Sep 2, 2024
Romeo, your mom is love bombing you, she is saying what she thinks you want to hear so you keep coming back, to deal with more abuse.
OP, if you neglect your husband and your dog, and if this results in losing them, would you be content with living in the same building with your parents and having only them until death do you part? And when that happens, what would your life be like?

Your husband seems very patient, but what if he gets tired of this situation? What if he wants a full-time wife instead of one who is always having to do something for her parents? A wife who will be around when he's having chemo or other life crises? Don't think a disappearing husband couldn't happen to you. It happens all the time in situations just like this. There are plenty of women out there waiting in line to find a kind and patient husband. THINK AHEAD!
Helpful Answer (3)

What did you expect when you neglected your cancer ridden husband to move your parents into your bldg, which is basically moving them in with you? You've already shown them (for decades) that they're more important to you than your own husband, and now you're asking for "help" again because they expect you to be at their beck and call????

This is the same old same old. You come here for advice and NEVER take ANY of it.
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I want to thank everyone for great advice! I went up this morning and made her brunch, cleaned up and I said I will be back later. I actually told her once my husband is off the feeding tube, I'll be making dinner, bringing it up and going back home to watch our movies. That was a while back and now I'm afraid to tell her we don't want to go up on some weekends - we want to go out, come home, cook and drink our wine, laugh and watch our own shows with our dog and hang out alone in OUR home. I know I need help and I have told you guys this before, but now once again I'm so afraid. I know they're going to say - can you imagine - they're leaving us alone on the weekends? My mom is a kind, giving person cooking meals for us, building a country home for us to enjoy, blah, blah, blah! I have and always will appreciate everything she did for me and also my husband, but come on! We also did for them - like pay their mortgage and forget that, just being thoughtful, kind and loving to them! I always say to my husband - what would happen if we had kids and grandchildren? My husband said - nothing would change - they would say the same thing.
Helpful Answer (2)
AlvaDeer Sep 1, 2024
You are making very poor choices for your life.
Just be clear that they ARE your choices.
There is nothing anyone can do about what YOU choose.
I would like to make a suggestion: Stop explaining yourself and your every move to your parents.

You first responsibility is to yourself. Next, is your marriage.

Please get home health care for your parents.
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A prisoner in a prison of your making. What are you going to do to change it?
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Do not negotiate with a manipulator. I would actually take her direction and stay away for a couple days. If your dad is lucid enough to be her primary caregiver, then it is worth having a boundaries discussion with him as to when you will be coming over and for how long.
Helpful Answer (2)

It's time to move your parents to an assisted living facility, or hire in-home caregivers for them.
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This behavior is called Shadowing and is a feature of dementia.

If you are her PoA and she's never had a cognitive/memory exam then now is the time to get her in for her "annual wellness exam" that Medicare provides for free. Sometimes the medical provider won't consider prescribing meds for anxiety/agitation unless they've had a full exam. Make sure you sit in on the entire exam appointment, don't tell your Mom she will be getting a cognitive exam. Make a note to her doctor in the medical portal that you defintely want her to have that exam. You may be shocked at how poorly she does. If she still drives, this should also be reconsidered.

Shadowing is a phase of dementia and the length of this phase depends on the person and whether they get on meds or not. My Aunt, on meds, still did it for at least a year or more before she finally went on to another phase.

May you receive solutions and peace in your heart on this journey with your husband and parents. Please do lots of self-care!
Helpful Answer (2)
anonymous1768885 Sep 1, 2024
The mother doesn't have dementia. This is how she has always been.
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You set boundaries. You don't spend all day with Mom, she has Dad. Your husband is your #1 priority. She needs you more thab u need her. So you tell her, "I moved u closer so I could be here for you. Not to be with you 24/7. I have a home of my own and a husband that has precedence over you and Dad"

Just check in on them once a day. You don't need to stay for hours. Tell Mom to pretend they are still in Fla and your in VA.
Helpful Answer (1)
anonymous1768885 Sep 1, 2024
Only problem with pretending they are still in FL is that the OP used to go to FL to visit them for months at a time.
Get her focused on some task before you leave. Put a movie on. Ask her to cut out a recipe for you, fold towels, pair socks, peel potatoes. Anything that will keep her occupied while you leave. Then leave and do what you have to do. Make the time between your returns a bit longer each time. then one day just tell her that you can't come over just yet and wait until later in the day, do that for a bit then make it a day that you are not over to see her.
If there is a Senior Center or Adult Day program that she can get involved with that might occupy some of her time. the Senior Center will get both mom and dad involved and they may both find programs, trips and projects they both will enjoy.
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You can't possibly make everyone happy, that only makes you miserable.

I've been there, I've done that. And I'm still healing and learning, to not go back there.

There is another way, there is a way for you to be happy, to be able to spend very much needed time with your husband, with your pets. For you to do what you want to do and not what mom wants.

First thing first you need to realize and admit, that you deserve to be HAPPY. Why do so many of us caregivers not feel like we deserve happiness? How much damage have we all been though in life to make us feel that way. Why do we owe are life to give to are parents, We didn't ask to be born, we didn't tell them if you give birth to me we will literally kill are selves for your happiness, the rest of are dieing days.

There is a book about a sick daughter, the parents litteral had another daughter to give the sick daughter blood, or something I'm not remembering it enough, I'm just remember the fact that the healthy little girl was used over and over to keep the sick one alive, and how wrong it was. But isn't that exactly what many of are parents did to us, gave birth so they could gaslight us to be there slaves in older years

Id say let mom , pout , let her be angry! Do what's best for you, then hubby, then mom.
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You should feel terrible that you chose to be away from your husband for 2 months to help your parents pack up their house while he was going through chemo and radiation.

If your parents are so feeble and weak that they could NOT muster the energy or wherewithal to pack or unpack one single box then they should have been moved straight into a long term care facility not into a condo that they clearly are unable to handle. In short order you will be cooking their meals, cleaning their house, and wiping their behinds 24/7.

You seriously need to cut the umbilical cord you have attached to your parents. It's time. That thing must be heavy and dirty since you have been dragging it around with you for decades.

Even now you can't be a grow adult and tell your mother that you are not going to spend all day and night in her condo with her and that you will be spending time in your own house with your husband and you are not going to see them daily.

How sad that your parents have this much control over you.

Even worse it's almost like you set yourself up for this by moving them into the same building as you.

Your parents are hungry souls that will never be satisfied until they finally smother and consume your physical being into their own. They are like the Borg on Star Trek.

Unfortunately if you haven't been able to stand up to them and create your own autonomy by now (with ALL the good advice you were given last time you posted) I don't think you are going to succeed without some serious mental health help.
Helpful Answer (5)
Geaton777 Sep 1, 2024
"You should feel terrible that you chose to be away from your husband for 2 months to help your parents pack up their house while he was going through chemo and radiation."

Shaming and bullying, which violates the code of conduct for this forum. Therefore I'm reporting this comment for removal.
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I think that this was forseeable, don't you?
Yet you CHOSE to have this living arrangement set up.
You will now have to CHOOSE whether it can work, or whether your mother may require placement to fulfill her needs.

The best way to handle this is to handle "yourself" first. You need to understand that your mom hasn't been really any different, that you are not responsible for her "happiness." all day every day. There will be many times she will be UNhappy. That's life, as they say.

The limits are yours to set. They are mom's to live with. And the choices are yours. Life has been long for your mother; there have been many times in her life she was unhappy; this is but one more. And for you, I am certain there have been other times in your life when you were simply not able to fulfill the expectations others had of you. This is but one more time.
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