
I originally looked after my disabled brother right up till I tried IVF which failed. He went on to live with my father at that time. They have lived together now 10 years plus. Dad got ill in the last year they think maybe Lewy body disease. However, her recently fell and is now in hospital 2 weeks. The week prior to his fall my eldest sister decided to throw my disabled brother out apparently for not helping more. My brother has helped, but she has bullied him and speaks to him horribly. He is now at my home and is scared to return to the property. It’s a council property and I don't know what to do or where to go. He has been with me 3 weeks. I’m going to have to inform my housing association and people I know, but this is heartbreaking, and I'm lost. My niece is dad’s lpa (that’s another story as I was meant to be joint) but they pushed me away to do the forms. I want to appeal it, but the cost is too much. My niece states she looks after my brothers benefits but has no time to help him, so what do I do? This girl was a caregiver and has never done the caring in the 4 years leading up to dad getting poor. Dad is in the hospital. Bless him. Aggression has kicked in also. My brother is also in a state.

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"It’s a council property" I think the OP may live in the UK. Social Serhices may be different there.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29

Contact your local council & ask about how to get a Social Worker to talk to.

Your brother may need to be the one to call, or you can call together.

Hopefully that leads to the appropriate agencies to help your Brother.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Beatty
AlvaDeer Sep 12, 2024
Wise counsel. I think also a call to APS may be required at some point. There are times when you can throw yourself upon their mercy and get guidance to resouces.
Contact social services for your brother's county or APS and report him as a vulnerable adult who is being subjected to improper treatment.

I don't know what "council property" is...
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Geaton777
PeggySue2020 Sep 11, 2024
I think op is in the uk
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