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Katie....I’m so sorry for everything you are going through.

If you already have POA for your mom, be sure to exercise it. Tell the facility your mom is not to leave the premises with any unauthorized individuals (siblings included) for fear that they will remove her from care.

Be there and be as calming an influence as you can with your folks. Dad especially. Those in hospice need calm, soothing environments. My MIL just passed a couple weeks ago after 2 weeks in hospice (colorectal cancer stage 4).

I think you and the physicians are wise to forego surgery. 13 years ago, my grandmother had a bowel obstruction at age 84. She seemed ok for surgery. But still, after surgery she was put on life support. Tubes and wires, machines breathing for her...her last days were spent this way. She passed a few hours after being removed from support at doctor’s advice. She never did wake up after surgery. Would have rather she not have gone through a painful surgery and a tube down her throat for her last days. You are, I believe, doing things right by your dad.

Get things sorted with Mom, provide comfort and then grieve for your Dad. Your siblings can fuss all they want, but if they truly cared they would have had more power in all this to begin with. Keep the focus, keep your faith, and know you have everyone here for you. Much love and peace.
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Oh KatieK... sending you much love and peace.
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So sorry this is happening to you. My brothers did the same to me and yes it can cause division that can never be restored. Sounds like they are making you the scapegoat which is their own sick way of projecting their bad (possibly guilty) feelings onto you. Be prepared for how much uglier it can get. But hold your head high - you are the strong one!
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My sister did the same thing. Mom signed her on Advanced Care Directive. I was POA and my sister kept trying to get me to call an ambulance from the hospice facility. She fed her food after she was told not to by nurses (because of choking). At her funeral, she stood in front of mom's coffin and said her death was all my fault. We are speaking occasionally now (This was five years ago.) but it still left a mark. By the way, she lived next door to her all her life and never helped her. I also put one brother on notice he would be booted out of the hospital if he didn't behave and told another brother to take his circus act (wild young ones) home. I am sorry about your dad. You are not alone - we are here.
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GratefulUriel May 2019
Wow! Our stories are all eerily similar. Many thanks to everyone who is posting their thoughts and situations. It's nice to know we are not alone. I have been finding great comfort here. I am grateful.
Check out this link. I've had to use this with my 2 sisters.

If you're like me, the shock and disbelief of what they've said and done is overwhelming and the hardest part to deal with. I'm sorry you have to go through this. I've had to just accept that my sisters weren't the people i thought they were. They damaged our relationship in ways that can't be fixed. Best wishes to you.
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TaylorUK Apr 2019
An interesting article and one I'll certainly take bits from - not always easy to do but one can certainly see the benefit :)
Hugs to you Katiekay!
I am in a very similar situation. I just wanted to send you love to help you through this difficult time. Fortunately, I have 1 great sister and 3 not-so great siblings. My friends and colleagues have been very supportive. Still, it's a long, hard haul. Let's walk this journey together. I am here if you need to vent. Take good care of yourself. I had a massage today... have you had one lately?
Much love and light to you!
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I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. I am a wife with step children that thought they should swoop in and take their Dad back to the state they live in immediately. He hit me and then ran and called them and said he wanted to leave me. He is not a hitter and today was the very first time he has ever struck me. I know it is the disease. They have not been around much, if at all in the last 10 years I have been with their Father... Now legally; All POAs in place and married to husband their Dad for 7 years. So I totally get how you feel, I think I am being kind and taking care of this sad sick demented person asking nothing from them ever and they just automatically think oh let's swoop in and take over. Holy Hannah. I pray they live to regret their treatment of a lady that was the only true advocate for their Dad. You Hang Tough. We on this page are here for you. Anytime.
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