
Mom is in hospice at home but she's doing fairly well. She has recovered from a broken hip surgery two months ago. Her hospice diagnosis is congestive heart failure. I tell people she's not "actively" dying because she seems to be doing OK physically although she's in bed most of the time. She needs constant supervision when she's up, going to the bathroom, etc. She uses a walker but her balance is poor and she has a terrible curvature in her upper back and neck and can just barely hold up her head. She's depressed a lot of the time but she won't entertain any suggestions like visitors (our church ladies are so eager), adult daycare, day drives around the area, etc. We have lived with her for 6 years during which time my father passed (we were caring for him too). Several months ago, for the first time, she stayed at a respite facility that only allows hospice patients a 5 day maximum stay. It was very difficult for her to agree to stay there. Afterwards she said it wasn't as bad as she thought but she didn't want to go back. We've scheduled another 5 day stay next month. I literally burst into tears when I asked her to agree to go again and she balked. I think she said yes when she realized how stressed I was. My sister who lives a mile away helps out but she only stays a few hours a day here and there and whenever we talk about mom staying at my sister's for an extended stay both my sister and my mom start in with the excuses. With regard to the hospice respite stay my big problem is, five days is not enough. After all this time I need a month. Call me selfish but my mental health is hanging by a thread and I'm eating myself to death from the stress. Not to mention my husband who probably wonders whether we'll ever get to live like a married couple ever again. The rub is this isn't our home but we live here. We can't afford to take off and go stay somewhere while someone comes into the home and cares for mom. She would never agree to that anyway because she doesn't trust people. But mom could afford to go to a facility if I can find one that would take her for a month. There are two private elder care homes in our neighborhood and I've always wondered if they had the room would they take someone short term. Is it wrong of me to want to stay at home while mom, the homeowner, goes somewhere else? Let me add that in addition to my round the clock care, my mom has saved thousands of dollars on home repairs over the years because my husband is very handy and fixes everything around the house. We live rent free and utility free but we pay for our groceries, phones and internet. We both are on social security and Medicare.

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Wanting Mom to leave for a month so you two can rediscover your marriage in HER home seems unreasonable.
Helpful Answer (17)
Reply to PeggySue2020
sp196902 May 31, 2024
It is not just moms home it is their home to. They are the unpaid salves - I mean live in help after all.
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Given that you are living in your mother's home, I am quite curious why you cannot save up to have someone come in to do some care so that you can get a bit of respite and take a short trip here and there?
You say "we cannot afford" as far as housing.
Your mother is on Hospice now. While she may not be actively dying, she may soon be. I am curious what you then expect to do yourselves? In order to live, that is. It would seem there are no savings? Are you to inherit your mother's paid for home in return for your caregiving?
If that is the case then I would say that the deal has been struck some time ago. You care for mom and return you have her home as yours on her demise.

Not everything can be perfect and not everything can be fixed given that we all now live way too long (imho) often outliving our own children. It's a sad state of affairs.

Your mother sounds "over it" and exhausted with life. At this age my father certainly admitted that good a life as he had had, and satisfied as he was in having no real regrets, he was simply exhausted with living. Your Mom should in her last time, now on hospice, be allowed to have it her way, I think.
You earn SS. You have no real expenses. Do consider hiring in some in home help. That is perhaps the best that can be done.
Helpful Answer (14)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Hi Rollargirl - I think that's the trade-off you made with your mother by living rent and utility free - no, it wouldn't be right to ask her to move out of her own house for the month. You should try some other options...explain the situation to your sister - ask her to step in and explain the severity of how this is affecting your mental health and you really need time off.
Helpful Answer (12)
Reply to Hopeforhelp22
sp196902 May 31, 2024
What about ALL the hours they are putting in caring for mom? I suppose it's OK that the OP and her husband are slaves to mom since they get free rent and utilities. Give me a break.
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Totally reasonable for you to need a break. Also may be needed for you to rethink this whole plan, as it doesn’t seem like it’s healthy for you any longer. It’s okay to change course when something isn’t working. What’s probably not reasonable is expecting mom to leave her home, unless her care needs exceed her being able to live there any longer, even with help. I’d hope you call for a family meeting including mom, your husband, and sister to decide what the best arrangement is going forward, one that no longer keeps you stressed out and jeopardizes your health. I wish you peace
Helpful Answer (12)
Reply to Daughterof1930
MiaMoor Jun 1, 2024
This is the most evenhanded response to the OP's situation.
I don’t think Mom could handle daycare , or going out on drives etc .

What I do think is reasonable is that you tell Mom this is no longer working and she needs to go to a facility . Mom could live quite some time . If you think the 5 days respite isn’t enough and Mom is balking , then end this living arrangement altogether .

The problem is Mom may throw it up in your face that you have been living rent free. She will most likely leave out the part about the free repairs , and all the caregiving you have done. Very elderly ill people tend to get self centered and this is how they react.

You tell Mom you are moving out and she has to go into a facility permanently as this is not healthy. Tell Mom you can no longer do this , that your mental health and marriage are suffering .

Start looking for an apartment for you and your husband. There are senior rent subsidized ones , but usually a long wait list . If possible rent somewhere else until your name comes up on the list . Maybe you and your husband go to work to pay rent until the senior apartment is available . So long as you live in your Mom’s house she will believe she calls the shots . In reality the caregiver should be calling the shots . The one that needs help ( Mom) is the one that has to compromise, she is the ill one .

I wish you luck , I hope it goes better than expected trying to get Mom to understand. Don’t let her guilt trip you into staying because of the free rent . You staying there saved your mother money from having to pay for caregivers , and kept her in her home longer as well . But this arrangement is no longer working .

Good Luck .
Helpful Answer (11)
Reply to waytomisery
sp196902 May 31, 2024
Great advice Way.
Well you have it pretty good with not having to pay any rent or utilities and only have to pay for your groceries, phone and internet huh?
And now you're wanting your mother to get out of her own home so you can take a months break, all while she's under hospice care???
With all the money you've saved by not having to pay any major bills you should have plenty saved up that you and hubby can get away for a nice months long vacation, and your mom can stay put right she's at right?
And your mom can just pay for 24/7 care while you're away, whether she trusts people or not.
It is her house, and with her being under hospice care, I'm sure she'd probably prefer to die in her home and not in a facility if she has a choice right?
Have you thought about what if she were to die when you were away for a month? Would be ok with that and not feel guilty? These are just things to think about.
I certainly understand being burned out from caring for someone and needing a break, but I really think you need to be realistic here. I've never heard of any caregiver being able to take a month off when they're the only caregivers, and when their loved one is under hospice care.
I think you should just be grateful that mom qualifies for the 5 day respite from hospice(which you can take advantage of every 90 days I believe)and make the best of those 5 days as often as you can and until she dies.
Otherwise if her care is getting to be just too much for you, it may be time to have mom placed in the appropriate facility, where you can get back to just being her daughter and advocate and not her burned out caregiver.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to funkygrandma59
MiaMoor Jun 1, 2024
The opening sounds too harsh. I also don't think that a dying woman should have to leave her home, but the OP doesn't "have it good". I know that I couldn't work 8:30 am. to 5 pm. 7 days a week, let alone provide round the clock care every day.
She's stuck between a rock and a hard place - not an enviable position from any angle.
No one can work 7 days/week for 6 years without a break. This should not have started and is not sustainable. Taking an extended break doesn't solve your problem.

Are you working to buy Mom's house? If you were paid $15/hour, a low rate for in-home care, with 24 hour shifts every day, that comes to $131,400 per year. After 6 years you may have bought that house twice over!

As had been said countless time on this forum, any caregiver needs a contract. This is a legal issue. Starting today, figure out how much you should be paid based on the going hourly rate in your area for in-home caregivers. Call a local agency and ask what they charge. Limit your hours to appropriate shifts, no more than 5 days/week. Mom has to hire outside help for the rest of the hours needed.

From your pay, you should pay rent based on how much of the house is yours exclusively. Pay your share of utilities. Mom may need all of this documented in the near future.

Any employee gets paid vacation time. How much are you owed? Take a nice long vacation with pay. In the future, take time off at regular intervals, not when you are on the brink of a breakdown. It then becomes a separate issue, how Mom will be cared for when you take your paid time off. If sister doesn't want to help you can't make her.

Bring in a social worker to help Mom understand that she doesn't own you and you don't owe her full time care at the loss of your own well being. She needs to know what her real choices are, and get help to make a realistic care plan that works for all of you.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to DrBenshir
PeggySue2020 May 31, 2024
Perhaps these changes should have been implemented six years ago, but at this point, mom doesn’t have six more years. It’s more like months. And her highest priority right now is dying at home.
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I can tell you from experience that you will need much more than a month to recover from emotional exhaustion. If you are willing to put your mom out of her house to get a break what I am going to suggest will be much easier.

Call sister and mom together. Husband is optional. Tell them you need a caregiver to show up ASAP as you can no longer stay the course.
Sis needs to take over now with managing the caregivers, paying them etc.
That you will stay with mom one 8 hr shift but not w/o the other shifts being covered. You will handle hospice duties.
If the house is a mess, tell sis you also need a housekeeper to get it clean and back in order and that the caregivers are to do light housekeeping for mom.
Get an appointment with a talk therapist and a primary doctor and get yourself on a healthy diet, exercise, antidepressant, anti anxiety, whatever is lacking or needed.

You need a care contract for yourself and any other private pay care givers who are hired. This is a bit of protection on perceived gifting if mom ends up on Medicaid. If the caregivers come through an agency then they will not be questioned as the payments will go to the agency. Once she starts paying for care her money will go fast. If mom has the proper diet, keeps the fluid off, she can live a long time on hospice or she can go quick from many other things. My mom was diagnosed at about the same age as yours. She lived until 97 and died of aspiration pneumonia.
My MIL had dementia and died of cancer. My DH aunt has had dementia for years and has been off and on hospice for about 3 years now. She will be 98 this fall. So, it does happen that sometimes the caregiver dies before the one they are caring for. When your mom was your age, was she working 24/7? Probably not. You shouldn’t be either?.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to 97yroldmom

If your mom is 93, I’m guessing you and your husband are in your 60s or maybe around 70?

I think it’s 100% reasonable to need a break. Or even to be unable to carry on providing that level of intensive caregiving. It does seem tricky, given that you are living in her house and seems like had no Plan B when you moved in with her? Maybe you thought she just couldn’t live this long when you moved in?

Have You discussed the options with the social worker from your mom’s hospice? Could this be framed to your mom as “it’s no longer possible to go on this way….the options are now X or Y.” She’s not going to like the options, but it sounds like continuing on as is would be unsustainable.

I could not do what you have been doing. There is just no way I would move in with my mom, who is nowhere near as debilitated as yours. Even though I love her tremendously. I visit her almost every day and help with a LOT and even that feels like too much for my own mental health sometimes. (I work full time) Best wishes to you.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Suzy23

Yes it's her house, she is entitled to stay in her home. The two of you need a vacation and a break. That is very understandable. It's the two if you that need to go somewhere for your break.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to bgblck69

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