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A geriatrician s a good start as a PCP. If necessary, a referral to a neurologist.
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Yes, go the UTI route but possible some testing too. I wish my dad had the mental tests sooner. It might have given us a better understanding of where he was at back then.
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Margejr, what does your Mom-in-law's primary doctor suggest? Otherwise, a neurologist would be a good starting point.

Another thing, have Mom-in-law checked for an urinary track infection. An UTI can mimic Alzheimer's/Dementia. An UTI can be cleared up with antibiotics.
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Margejr Feb 2019
Thank you-no uti to our knowledge but will check that. She isn’t to that degree of confusion we have seen with iti’d. But good point and will check.
For some reason she is changing primary care and the new person she has selected has not seen her yet. The changing of the doctors is another issue.
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